What is Mr. Kelley's Music Box?

Michael TEOF

Master Whorebot
Mar 4, 2002
Schaumburg, IL
Can someone please give me an idea of what Mr. Kelley's Music Box is like? Honestly, I'm afraid of change on this one. JJ Kelley's was such a good thing. I loved having a bar so close to the stage. It was such a unique concert environment.

I'm afraid this is going to be like The Vic, Riveriera, Metro, etc.... where there's shitty as hell sound, a big place to stand around, and a few bars in back that serve watered down jack and cokes in plastic cups or miller lite on tap in plastic cups. I also don't want to be hearded around like cattle like in a traditional show environment either.

For one band, a place like The Vic will do... but for a festival, I'd prefer a little breathing room, like how Glenn's Prog Power is run.

The Michael
I agree with you in part, but I think a 600-capacity place is far better for a festival of this sort than a 350-capacity place. It allows the fest to grow as it's doing now. Also, keep in mind that it's run by the same guy, and the fact that Kelley's is well-run is part of the reason why it's such a great place.

I agree, J.J. Kelley's has a unique atmosphere and layout, but it's simply not big enough for this sort of thing; the only thing I disliked about ProgPower USA I and last year's Powerfest was being packed in there like sardines (speaking of breathing room).
Mr. Kelley's is like a big version of JJ Kelley's....essentially, it's a big,
open room with a bar along one wall just like at JJ's with a great view
of the much larger stage and well within range of getting your head
ripped off with the much larger PA. I'm trying to get some pics of
the place to give everyone an idea....the biggest difference is probably
no pool room/back bar area to run away to....it a great place, has
great sound/lights and a cool vibe so you'll be fine.
eaeolian said:
Chris, since there's no "hiding place", per se, will there be in/out privileges?

*waits for the jokes to fly*

i was gonna but i'm not.....i'll leave it up to Ralf! :lol:

Yes, I believe we will be allowing people to come in and out....more
on that later. However, Bubba will be at the door with a tazer to
take care of any "fuck offs." :D There is a small area toward the
back of the venue, behind the sound board, where band merch will
be sold and may serve an area for brief moments of solitude...
eaeolian said:
Well, now we know where Rob's going to collapse about 7PM on Saturday. :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: I have to at least wait until after our set. ;)

Actually, I promise not to get as fucked up this year...although with those Morgana guys around, that'll be a tough one to stick to. :p
What's the seating situation like? I swear I thought I was going to be over the knee problems that plagued me last year (even had surgery) but I'm not and I can't stand well for any period of time. J.J. Kelly's at least had loads of places to just sit for awhile.