What is that filesharing program a lot of you use called?

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Perdition's Light

dinosaur jr.
Apr 5, 2004
It's not soulseek or kazaa....it uses "hubs" (?)

I'm not proficient with computers at all so I had some questions about it...

1. Are you at risk of getting viruses or being hacked like you are on SLSK and Kazaa, etc? I share the same wireless network as my parents (not the same computer, but I use a wireless card to connect to their DSL network) and they got really pissed off at me when they found out I had soulseek and made me delete it because part of their business is web-based and it could fuck up their computers too.

2. How complicated is it? I'm intelligent enough to figure it out, I just want to know what I'm up against.

3. Could I get a web address to where I can download it?

Before anyone says "downloading is so gay buy the albums fag", I'm taking 17 hours of really hard classes and don't have time for a job so I have no income. I always work summer jobs and have to do my album buying then.
1. If you don't download stupid shit like random .EXE's, you're fine.
2. Not very. You just need to connect to different hubs instead of one giant central server, and you need to share shit to get into most hubs.
3. Yes, apparently. ^
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