What is the big fuss about X-mas?


The Wallonian Redneck.
After many beers and a couple minutes of deep thinking, I came up with the following .... what is the big fuss about celebrating x-mas?
At work most people wish me happy holidays and merry christmas, I just reply by saying "same to you" just by courtesy. Somehow I never felt attached to the celebration of the bringer of doom over this world ...... although taken from pagan holidays I feel this whole xmas thing has taken a more "commercial" turn as to even non xian countries celebrate the day (asia,....)
Back in Belgium we had Sint-Nikolaas on Dec 6th as did many other northern countries and it was regared as a bigger date than xmas itself.
Not too ong ago my parents asked me what I wanted for St Nikolaas but nevr mentioned xmas. Any opinion ?
Meh, it doesn't phase me...i mean sure we all used to love it when we were little....or little-er in my case.....but i get pissed at the fact that my work is closed, so i can't work and earn money, which would give me an excuse to fuck off away from my really annoying cousins.....
Christmas annoys me. As if trying to get through town wasn't bad enough, we have 200% more cars in the place, people pushing past you and then my favourite bars are filled with people and their little kids. Then on top of that, exams are always on.
i dont care about the holidays season (which is for me just a great day to spend time with your family)

like i care about those ANNOYING x-mas songs everywhere (i swear to goat, if ill hear the song "let it snow let it snow " ONE MORE TIME!!! #$%#$^@$#@#)
and i hate those hidious x-mas decorations....
whats with those light bolbs rain deer???
whats with those ugly ugly plastic santas ?

jeez, my neighbour across the street put so many x-mas decorations in his front yard, i think its day light coming from my window...


god, x-mas is such a pagan holiday.
i like xmas because i get to come home and see my sisters. they dont let you burn yule logs in the dorms.
lol, i can understand why

if your lookin for the big deal about x-mas its pretty obvious realy. its all the ppl who waste there lives worshiping this so called "God" and this "Jose" or "Jesu's"w/e his name is. so the whole idea of this so called "Christ: birth is the biggest deal to them... but what i could never understand was.... Christ was born.... here we are some 2000 years later.... and we give each other gifts for him being born... and where the fuck does santa come in? whats he got to do with anything. santa always reminds me of the hamburgler! and another thing about that hamburgler i always thought was strange is that McDonalds advertises for you to steal there burgers! but if you were to actualy go and steal one youd prolly end up like gettin in some kinda trouble. and what was the deal with that big purple thing? what was his name? google or somethin. well anyway mcdonalds sucks and has wierd ways to advertise there so called "Food"... back to what i was sayin... sumthing... Jesus sucks... hail satan or somethin... o ya. christmas is dumb cuz it dont make sense. i never like the idea of this virgin mary. the real story behind her is a little to much wine and a confused young man. she didnt remember bein raped or soemthing. blessed child my ass, she just tryin to get famous/popular and claim to carry the son of "God".... or somethin... hmmmm..... 666!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dont get me wrong though... presents kick ass! i like gettin em and i get bonus points for givin em =D. i just dont understand why the fuck ppl gotta do it =\
xmas is one of the few events where the whole family comes together
you can get great things at the xmas market and on tv there are all the great movies
xmas has become a custom just like sylvester and i don't see any reason not to have a good time just because you don't like the religious background

of course there are also bad things that come along with xmas but that's normal
I like x-mas bcuz its my b-day on that ver' day (25.12)
Here in israel we got Hannuka on the same time so we got holidays anyway......
I still put a pine tho....
Belgar said:
Deadlioness, that was classic. Nothing more annoying than the stupid salvation army bells ringer at yr local super market.

oh god, you're so right!
and when you walk pass them, without giving them money,
they will go like: "happy holidays to you!"
and try to make you feel guilty....
jees, i hate them.
Cadarn was right, you know. Eat and drink and be merry with your dawgs, that's it really and uh over here in Denmark its so grim with all the snow, yippy yay yippy yo I hear the snow falls tomorrow!!
Christmas seems to really bring out the stupid in people..but aside from that and all the commercialization of it..its a pretty cool time of year, i dunno, i guess i just like the cold and snow.
Patric said:
Cadarn was right, you know. Eat and drink and be merry with your dawgs, that's it really and uh over here in Denmark its so grim with all the snow, yippy yay yippy yo I hear the snow falls tomorrow!!
pretty grim here with the sideways snow and the what not, walking through the woods with an axe in the middle of the night to go chop some fire wood yeah! im freezing here, time to get some more fire wood.
I hate xmas ... all those ppl being extra friendly although they usualy don't even look at you. All those Love stuff and crap ... everyone tell you, you should be happy gnah ... what about ...
I usualy try to work around xmas ... so I must not see all the ppl running around like crazy ... and I have my office all for my own
Uuuh well I hope I won't be chopping any wood...maybe if I get all rich and sleazy I want one of those American fireplaces where you just have to push a button and the fireplace starts up by itself.