what is the easiest solo romeo has?


happiness is jagermiester
Jan 15, 2004
out of all the symphony x stuff, what solo romeo does do you guys think is the easiest, im trying to get a grasp for his style more and want to start from the begining so to speak.
ıt depends from people to people some people are better at sweep picking and some are good at alternate picking while they suck at legato stuff(like me) .
robb i aggree with you but some of his solos are more technical then others, less technical=easier in my book am i wrong?
goth_fiend said:
robb i aggree with you but some of his solos are more technical then others, less technical=easier in my book am i wrong?

Well you could try something like the first solo in Candlelight Fantasia. The only "technical" part in that is a little sweep thing he does.
Easy Romeo solos !? :p

Try the intro parts for "Smoke and Mirrors" !! :p

I know, i know it's not a "real" solo, but as someone already said some riffs sounds like solos, and if you can play this... ;) :)
The only SX songs I can play are Sea of Lies, Dragon's Den, Inferno, Out of the Ashes, Damnation Game, and A Fool's Paradise (although I don't know the first solo)... I can't get the hang of the others, these were the easiest for me at least. As you can tell, I have an easier time when I'm picking straigth sixteenths or triplets or something. So try those, and Eyes of Medusa sounds like it's not too technical.

As people said before, I don't think Romeo really has any "easy" solos. Which is a great reason to learn them, actually... by the time you're done you'll be a better player.
yea, I am very much a believer in what ofsinsandshred just said. After you learn ANYthing that pushes yourself in ANY apsect of becoming a musician, you improve, and it seems that the more you push your limits the better you get at it and therefore the faster you improve. I mean I'm no pro by any means but I've just started to realize this and I think romeo solos are especially awesome at improving guitar technique/skill. I've learned a decent amount of stuff and I'd say learning some riffs will help prepare you for the solos later. An example would be like learning straight 16ths/triplets (any rhythm really) in a riff like the inferno, evolution, or out of the ashes intros which really work on alternate picking. Then you could learn the smoke and mirrors intro for sweep picking, and work you're way up to learning some of the solos that incorporate other techniques like tapping and legato. I find the second solo in of sins and shadows to be pretty straightforward and not very difficult with the exception of the fast tempo, so maybe that'd be a good starting point for learning a solo opposed to a lead which is what I consider the slower more melodic things to be. The ending to the solo section in of sins and shadows is also pretty simple tapping for romeo cuz it's just the same shape moving around in minor 3rds for the most part. Starting off slow and making sure everything is perfectly clean is EXTREMELY important too. I'm in the freakin' process of trying to clean up my sloppy playing caused by bad practicing in the past and I it gets really annoying after awhile.
You definatly want to find a solo that is not tooooo, insane, and make it your long term project.
I am currently working on Of sins and Shadows and Dragon's Den. Dragon's den is not toooo crazy, and is a nicely phrased, melodic solo; The sweeping at the end of the guitar solo would be a good place to get your basics down.

If you just take it slow, as Odysseus suggests and I agree with, and slowly work on eatch solo, bar by bar if you have to-in time, you will slowly get faster and cleaner.

Just keep at it!
I'd say that from what I know... Of Sins and Shadows, or maybe certain parts of the Turning. The Turning is really good because it kind of showcases all of the skills you need to be a good shredder (minus the tapping, but try Of Sins and Shadows for that) and it's not all that fast.
Ah, The Turning is a good example.

Actually the other day I started into the first solo in Divine Wings. It's actually not as bad as I thought, easier than some of his other stuff. It's still really sloppy, but it's just so fuckin' COOL! And also the second guitar solo in Smoke and Mirrors isn't as bad as I previously thought, but the alt. picking's speedy as all hell.

Did you ever wish Romeo had any EASY solos? ... ... ... Nah, neither did I. :headbang:
I recently started to practice some Romeo stuff and I started with Out of the Ashes' first riff. It is pretty easy to play but it took me some time to get it fluid because it is not that easy to memorize. I then took a shot at Smoke and Mirrors and when I'll have mastered that one I'm going for The Damnation Game intro. It is a good progressive warm up I think.

Where to begin also depends on your actual skills. I'm not that good so I need to start at the begining.