What is wrong with Yngwie Malmsteen?

BlackStar68 said:
Ya know people kill me with this "hasn't progressed in his playing thing"...ya know AC\DC has made the same album for 20 years and nobody bitches about them....ya know the first second that Yngwie, Ace, Vai, any of these guitars "changes" their sound then all you same people will be bitchin' about them selling out....remember Metallica??????
This kind of crap is what opened the door for Nirvana in the first place!!!!!!
I think anyone of us musicians would love to at a point in our career's where someone puts on your music and says "Hey thats so and so" in a matter of a couple of seconds.
It's not the same thing over and over for Ace or Yngwie or AC\DC.......it is their style..like it, Love it, or don't listen.

But that is just my 1 1/2 cents worth.....carry on

At least AC/DC Admit that they made the same album 14.. no 15 times.
like many have said... he is VERYYYYYYYY TECHNICALLY skilled...... if I could play 1/10th as well as him Id be stoaked... but.... he lacks a lot of emotion in his writing and emotion is something i need in music... It is sometimes fun to put him on and be in awe of his solos.... and Far Beyond the Sun will always be a bad ass song.
Scourge of Malice said:
he lacks a lot of emotion
I have never felt any lack of emotion in his instrumentals, but then again, I NEVER listen to any of his works with vocals. I suppose this may have something to do with the fact that I was only exposed to classical music until the age of 10. But I feel that having vocals in a work by Paganini, would likewise be inappropriate.
I still have to hear his Concerto Suite For Electric Guitar before I form a really concrete opinion on what I think of his composing abilities.
Class of '85 said:
I have never felt any lack of emotion in his instrumentals, but then again, I NEVER listen to any of his works with vocals. I suppose this may have something to do with the fact that I was only exposed to classical music until the age of 10. But I feel that having vocals in a work by Paganini, would likewise be inappropriate.

I respect your opinion of him quite a bit. I was a bit of a guitar "purist" as well for a short time (though it had little to do with a particular style of playing.) I bought everything from Yngwie to classical guitar and even up to progressive bluegrass as I also love acoustic guitar.

I changed that philosophy (and am happy I did) about guitar due to several factors, but though my own style doesn't resemble Yngwie's much (I am a product of more Wolf Hoffmann than anyone else,) he does have some influence in my playing. Though some may say YM had little "feeling" in his playing, it is his vibrato that has really played itself into my style as opposed to his speed or technique. I certainly believe vibrato, though certainly a "technique" is much more to do with "feeling" or at least "expression" than anything.

TekChef said:
That is actaully a interesting idea. He has enough knowldge, etc about the classical style, that he could easily play a violin/guitar part for a composer. The composer would not have to worry about ability to play the piece, because let's face it-Yngwie could do it!

I think he would do well to study composition and try to improve as a composer. It's obvious that Yngiwe has the technical thing mastered-if he were to improve his composing skills to the level of his playing, it would be insane.

That's why a lot of the "80's" guitarists are overemphasized in terms of popular culture. The classical idea of a virtuoso has been around at least since the Baroque period, and making music was something not everyone did. With the Rock n' Roll, instruments were more widely available, and so of course not everyone was going to be classically trained, etc. So Yngwie was just a revival in popular culture of that. Not to say that there weren't people playing complex and technical things over that whole time, it was giong on in jazz, but for pop culture, they didn't know this "classically trained" stuff, so it was something bigger than it really was. Yngwie did open a lot of doors for other guitarists, since he got a lot of exposure and that's what inspired a lot of the really innovative guitarists around now at least to pick up guitar.

That's why I have to hear his Concerto, to judge his compositional skills.
Yngwie will always be one of the greats - his technique, timing, speed and precision are unbelievable.

He is definitely arrogant, conceited, rude, obnoxious and pompous - but that has nothing to do with whether he is a good player or not.

Many people say his writing one-sided and that he can't really write that well, and always relies on playing a billion miles an hour. I think that can be argued either way.

Regardless of ANY of the above - the guy does not suck, and anyone who says he sucks really isn't being fair in their assessment of his playing. If you truly think Yngwie sucks as a guitar player, then probably just don't like his style or are too caught up in his being an asshole to be objective about his playing. People are entitled to their opinions, but sometimes there just aren't any facts to back them up - and I think this is one of those cases if anyone thinks Yngwie sucks. As far as his early stuff - the guy is a machine and he put on a fucking clinic for other guitar players back in the day. Just listen to "Black Star" and you'll see what I mean. As a musician who is encouraged to play classical music by his teacher - I have a SHITLOAD of respect for Yngwie and his ability to play that stuff on the guitar and make it sound the way it does.

For me though - there are other guitar players I like more than Yngwie, simply because their style is more diverse and not as one sided. Soloing is one side of the coin for me - the other, and JUST AS IMPORTANT in my book is a guitarists rhythmic ability (something that becomes more and more prominent in heavier styles of music, like Thrash metal). A good example would be Matthew Bachand and Jonathan Donais from Shadows Fall and Mark Morton and Willie Adler from Lamb of God - rhythmically, these guys are truly fucking impressive and it motivates the hell out of me to get better and better.

That's my 2 cents

I'm not sure if I agree that Yngwie is a bad songwriter. Poor lyricist, yes, but his songs are pretty good. It's his drawn out solos that ruin the songs.

I also agree that his earlier stuff is the best (the first three), but my personal fave is Eclipse. I think he managed to get everything pretty balanced in that album, and of course Goran Edman did a fantastic job.
Seeing a guy in highschool jamming on the guitar is what made me want to play the guitar............hearing Yngwie the first time, is what inspired me to become more than I had previously thought possible. Oh, and by the way, Wolf Hoffmann is in my top 10 list of guitarists.
Class of '85 said:
Exactly!!, and it is the fact that Yngwie refuses to change his style that has kept me a fan since the beginning. Until I hear a guitarist that plays a style I like, any cleaner or faster, he will continue to be my favorite. I once liked EVH, but that was only because YJM hadn't yet arrived on our shores. I am a "purist" in the truest sense, I don't like anything but guitar, meaning that I would have preferred that Yngwie had never done anything with vocals. After playing guitar since 1981, I can still say that I sincerly love his works the most. The important thing to keep in mind, is that Yngwie is an amazingly talented composer. 300 years from now his works will still hold up, from a classical point of view. When I hear anyone put him down, it reminds me of the fact that there is no accounting for taste. Someone once wrote that "A man's greatness may be measured by the number of his enemies".

No dude, there is no way you can call Yngwie 'an amazingly talented composer'. Please....the guy knows nothing beyond 'grade A' of basic theory for fuck sake! Please get the fuck out of that diminished and leave that poor harmonic minor alone!!!!! There are hundreds of scales and tones of modes to explore for poo sake! His sense of rhythmical writing? Oh please don't get me started!!! If he would get a penny for every boring succession of sixteenths or eights he has played in his career he would be a trillionair.

Honestly man, just step back a bit from your Yngwie world and look in the great scheme of things when it comes down to musical composition. You will instantly realise that Yngwie is an extremely mediocre composer.

An amazing guitarist never the less but don't go to the composition abilities this guy (does not) possess.

300 years from now (if we are still here) humanity will be still celebrating, Beethoven, Stravinsky, Mozart and all the greats and maybe some of the brilliant new composers who spring up once in a while in the orchestral world.
I very much doubt anyone will remember Yngwie beyond the 'Metal music of the Eighties and failed attempts of the Nineties' Section in some version of a 'all you get for a dollar charity shop' of the future.

"A man's greatness may be measured by the number of his enemies"?
Again if you step back you'll realise that nobody other than a bunch of guitarist who strive to better themselves argue about the guy, sorry man it's a fact that not many people care,

I just got involed because I care about music.
Class of '85 said:
Seeing a guy in highschool jamming on the guitar is what made me want to play the guitar............hearing Yngwie the first time, is what inspired me to become more than I had previously thought possible. Oh, and by the way, Wolf Hoffmann is in my top 10 list of guitarists.

Good taste there on the Wolf. I think most guitarists' (to include me) reasoning behind their favorite guitarist, even if they don't realize it is because they simply like that person's style the most. Wolf's style is the biggest reason I like him, but it's the guy's expression that sets him apart from so many guitarists in my ears. I can play many of his solos cleanly, but he uses many many different types of expression in so many freaking notes in his solos, it is practically impossible to truly recreate one of his better solos.
The only guitarist I can think of that is equal to him with his expression is Gilmour, but Gilmour doesn't show (I won't say he doesn't possess it because he is amazing in his own right) the technical expertise of Hoffmann.
Though I am replying to 85, I use what excuses I can to give Wolf props, but not simply just to sing his praises. There are a bunch of axeslingers out there that are incredible in their own right. It's hard to hear them all. I hope someone finds this post interesting that isn't familiar with Wolf and checks him out. His better work, I think gave quite a bit to the guitar world.

Well, he can play amazing stuff but I don't really find him to be an amazing player. He can muscle himself into almost anything, but he can only freestyle as well as any grunge guitarist. He's one of those guys who will ponder out and test out musical theory for hours on end trying to connect metal to classical technique, which is really I find a waste of time. PArt of this is he's not very coordinated. I can't say that for certain, but I notice that whenever he'll sing instead of do an instrumental, he can only sing to the notes he's playing. Example if he's playing nothing but 16'th notes, he sings a syllable to every note.

And did I mention the whole "everything I make, I was 'inspired' by Paganini?" Be original man.

Plus he's too classical for me anyway.
{D|aBo|uS} said:
Hi everyone, I've been reading your posts for a long time, but now I've decided to register. Here is what I wanna talk about :
For a couple of month, I've been hearing more and more people saying that Yngwie Malmsteen sucks. In my point of view, Malsteen isn't playing original, wierd stuff such as Satriani or Vai, but he is definitely awesome! I understand that some people dislike his style (fast music scales and classical music), but those who tell that is not good are far from being able to play like him (actually, I am one of those who try to play like him).

Anyway, I just wanted to have the opinion of other musician on Yngwie Malmsteen's style.:rock:

Look man, malmsteen is a great musician. It does sound very one dimensional but the is a crazy sweep lord! some of the shit ive seen him play is incredible... but ive heard and seen some fucked up shit.

I dont know you guys guys have heard of DUNGEON (Amazing Power metal band from Australia, look them up in ultimate metal forums....DUNGEON!)... Well, the singer/guitarist was my guitar teacher for a little bit and he was telling me about how they backed malmsteen...

At 6pm Malmteen was doing their sound check and DUNGEON were waiting to do theirs at 7pm. malmsteen started him but kept complaining about the sound, saying there was little noises he didnt like. Really anal about how "perfect" it had to sound. Soon after he cracked and told everyone to get out of the arena so he could mix it himself. By 10 to 8:00 he had finished. 8pm doors open... Dungeon only got a noise check and got on stage.... Absolutely destroyed their set! Aweomse performance....

Malmsteen came on and played their set. Only problem was you could only hear his guitar... Over the drums, bass, keys EVERYTHING! Only his guitar! CRAP!!

Also, the other guitarist of DUNGEON (2 amazing lead guitarists) met him and tried to say HELLO!! Malmsteen put his arms up to say, "Wooahhh! what are you doing!" and backed off. Dunno what he meant by what he said... maybe he doesnt like being touched.... And every time they talked he would talk about how awesome he wa and that he knows all the music theory there is to know.... Who cares? Play solos that reach the heart! They are better!!

And not to mention the G3 dvd... Arrogent cunt!! He would never play rhythm and always walked off from the other 2 and played with his guiatr and done his gay ass kicks....

Whats with those kicks?? If they weren't so girly it'd be cool. But he cant kick for shit!!

"does anybody know what time it is? ITS TIME TO ROCK!!" (Followed by classical music)... GENIUS!!

Anyways, thats my 2 cents. I don't dislike the guy. He is an amazing musician but he is just too arrogent for me too love as a guitarist! If he stopped loving himself and started loving the experiance of being able to play in front of millions of people, he would be upped in my rankings.


The Good Doctor
Dr_Extreem said:
...and that he knows all the music theory there is to know.... Who cares? Play solos that reach the heart! They are better!!

I really doubt he's as knowledgeable with music theory as some of you think he is....
Barking Pumpkin said:
I really doubt he's as knowledgeable with music theory as some of you think he is....

No offense (this is not a post to dog you) but "music theory" is simply that.... it is a theory. Many great guitarists are very advanced at theory and many don't know how to play a Cmaj chord, but have learned by ear and trial and error how to play well.
David Gilmour is far from a technical genius, but his name comes up in this and countless other musician forums quite often. I for one appreciate guitarists that envelope themselves in study and learn theory and how to apply it, but.................... I like guitarists that sound good. Being technically proficient and being versed in multiple scales and music theory is only a part of being a guitarist that is a great player.

Right, but the point the guy was trying to make is that Yngwie likely doesn't know more than the basics of sticking a harmonic minor scale over a minor-key chord progression. I gotta agree.

@whoever mentioned Russel Allen being better than Romeo: that's extremely silly, while having a "good voice" is totally subjective, there's no denying someone who's a crazy guitar player, namely Romeo. If he wrote more to Allen's strength, well that would be kinda dumb. The vocalist's point in that band is really to describe the epic storyline rather than have everyone else back him while he wails his head off (I love Russel Allen too).

@whoever said Yngwie's got good compositional skills: you are plainly retarded. Get out and listen to something that is even mildly synchopated, and has a bit more than 3 melodies.