What is your favorite album ever and why?

Jun 26, 2009
New Jersey
Its almost 5 in the morning and i decided to post this cause of an album i listen to all the time.

What is your favorite album ever and why?

For me it without a doubt is Nocturnal by The Black Dahlia Murder. There is not a single thing i would change about this album and there is not a song that i dont love


Reasons why this album kicks teh arse

-Shannon Lucas is such a phenomenal drummer and his groove and double bass rhythms are perfect for the style of guitar playing.

-The guitar work is super dark and melodic and the soloing go's right along with it.

-The vocals although alot of people dont like trevor strnads high vocals, are unique and bone crushing. His lyrics are hands down the most intelligent and meaningful lyrics i have ever heard and his phrasing is catchy as hell.

-This entire album is just non stop go go go and has a super dark and melodic feel to it start to finish.

-The production is great also. Everything sticks out perfectly and punches well.

Since the day i heard this album i have listened to it about 3 times a week all the way through and i still do to this day. I know every song word for word and note for note. I hope they never stop making music EVER

So, what is your favorite album and why?
Alice In Chains - Jar Of Flies/Sap

I fucking love this album. I was bought up with this kind of music, and Pantera, but this album was the first I properly listened to, and once I read the lyrics I could see and hear the angst and misery it was full of, and I really liked the feel it had.
Not very original, I know, but for me it has to be Metallica - Master of Puppets.

This was the "gateway" album into metal for me and I still get shivers down my spine when I listen to this album.

Watain - "Casus Luciferi"

its the one album I keep coming back to again and again, and never gets old.


- utterly un-repentant evil and heavy vibe throughout the entire album. the huge majority of metal bands will never match this in their careers.

- great songwriting with just the right balance between all-out ferocity and infectious catchiness.

Does it have to be metal? Because my favourite album is Dummy by Portishead. So gloomy, it is melancolic and conforting at the same time. Minimalistic and lo-fi, but smooth. Has a drunk hypnotizing vibe to it.

On the metal side I think it is The Sinister Urge by Rob Zombie. Besides the three stupid "intro" songs (Sinners Inc, Transylvanian Transmissions PT. 1 and House of 1000 Corpses) it´s all pure kickass metal at its best. IMO it´s the most headbangin metal album since the Black Album.
There is a toss-up for me:

I got this when I was probably 7 or 8. It blew my mind. The whole concept album thing was completely new to me, the fact that it told a story had me floored. There isn't a dull moment on the entire album. Story flowed slightly better when I finally got it on cd (didn't have to flip the tape).



I had listened to plenty of Sabbath in my youth, but I never had access to this until I was probably 12 or 13. I had been playing guitar for a few years by then and had been running through all the Metallica I could get my hands on. Up until I got it, the only thing I had ever remotely heard from it was Godspeed/Bruce Dickinson covering the title track on Nativity In Black. When I got this, I dropped all the Metallica and totally immersed in it. This album just made my jaw drop.

Its Carcass need I say more?

Ok i will .....

5150 Tone of Doom
First Grindecore band to tune to B on 6 strings
Melodic as fuck!
Bill Steer (nuff said)
"The God" Amott (nuff said)
The drumming and groove on No Love Lost is pure win!
Choosing one is hard, I could choose one for the current period of time, and right now it has to be this one (and one of my alltime favorites indeed)


Not only does Holy Wars represent everything that metal is, was and should be to me, but every single song is total killer, it's not straight thrash but not mainstream material either, and the production is just godly even 20 years later. And I'm going to see them in two weeks, and they have been playing complete Rust in Peace setlists in festivals this year cause it's the 20th anniversary, Oh my god I will have an orgasm.

Edit: Plus, the lyrics are some of the best I've ever heard in my life, just plain brilliant, and mustaine's terrible voice and the feeling with which he expreses those god awesome lyrics just makes me respect and admire him in every way
Toss-up for me too.

As much as I love Wintersun and idolize Jari Maenpaa, I've got to give my favourite metal album ever to

Dark Tranquillity - The Gallery

To me, this album defines musical and lyrical poetry, in other words ethereal perfection. Performances and song-writing are top notch and while production sounds somewhat dated, it fits the album wonderfully.

However there's also in a totally other genre
Damien Rice - O

This album is the definition of pure, raw emotions and heart-shattering life experiences. Most definitely amazing.
Does it have to be metal? Because my favourite album is Dummy by Portishead. So gloomy, it is melancolic and conforting at the same time. Minimalistic and lo-fi, but smooth. Has a drunk hypnotizing vibe to it.

On the metal side I think it is The Sinister Urge by Rob Zombie. Besides the three stupid "intro" songs (Sinners Inc, Transylvanian Transmissions PT. 1 and House of 1000 Corpses) it´s all pure kickass metal at its best. IMO it´s the most headbangin metal album since the Black Album.

+1 on the Portishead album, I fucking love that album!
That's a hard one. It's somewhere between Opeth's 'Still Life' Fredrik Thordendal's 'Sol Niger Within' and Stabbing Westward's 'Darkest Days', all for differing reasons. I don't think I could pick one.
I don't think I have a favourite album ever. I have albums that sum up particular phases of my life and the one that represents the past 3 years or so for me would be

this is the album that sent me insane and got me into jazz, improvisation and experimentation

as far as metal goes its probably

i discovered this album 5 years ago and its one of the only pieces of music from that portion of my life that i still think is a work of unfathomable genius. i actually probably appreciate it more and more every time i hear it.
Iron Maiden - Somewhere in Time. The whole 80`s Futurism vibe, i was like 11 when i got thi on cassette, i was so immerse on it when i was hearing for the first time, it has an special sound.

Also Scorpions Crazy World, i was chasing girls when i heard it haha, so this was the perfect soundtrack.
Emperor - Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk


Everything just comes together perfectly. Not a single boring song, the album is very coherent in the flow, the production suits the mood and songs perfectly, and it has inspired a lot of bands!
tool - aenima

album is just perfect in every way

major +1 to nocturnal, though...TBDM outdid themselves on that one, and will probably never top it
it changes but usually has the following in it:

Fates Warning-Awaken the Guardian---I love John Archs vocals and harmonies on this album, and John Matteos guitar work and writing on this album is top notch
Carcass-Swansong---great feel on this album, although not as technical or "brutal" as Heartwork it just has a better vibe on it
Metallica-Master of Puppets--best song writing and nice mix of tempos on this record