What is your favorite album ever and why?

Toss up for me between:
Metallica - Metallica. The first memory of metal at around the age of 4 when it was released and I still love the songs till this day. Especially Struggle within and The God that failed.

Dark Tranquillity - Damager Done. The first Melodic Death Metal album that I could listen to and one of the most solid albums in my collection

Evergrey - In Search of Truth. Pure prog power awesomeness and epic as all hell. One of the first prog/ power bands I got into after being a Metallica fan boy for years and pretty much the first metal band with such prominent keys that I heard.
non-metal: No More Shall We Part, by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, why? because it's one of the most honest music i've heard.

Metal: Megalomania, by Enslavement of Beauty, why? Most unique music i ever heard
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Choosing one is hard, I could choose one for the current period of time, and right now it has to be this one (and one of my alltime favorites indeed)


Not only does Holy Wars represent everything that metal is, was and should be to me, but every single song is total killer, it's not straight thrash but not mainstream material either, and the production is just godly even 20 years later. And I'm going to see them in two weeks, and they have been playing complete Rust in Peace setlists in festivals this year cause it's the 20th anniversary, Oh my god I will have an orgasm.

Edit: Plus, the lyrics are some of the best I've ever heard in my life, just plain brilliant, and mustaine's terrible voice and the feeling with which he expreses those god awesome lyrics just makes me respect and admire him in every way

Not my favorite album ever, but this man is on the money here.
THE BEST thrash metal album ever. Not before or since has anything topped it IMO.
Not a single song I skip on this album, it's all killer and no filler.
Despite being a metalhead, this is my favorite album of all time :


Aggressive, beautiful, sad, uplifting, I just feel everything when I hear this album.
Pushed the boundaries of post hardcore to a new level and completely changed my idea of what punk actually was. Great musicianship, great song writing and great mix.

I guess if I had to pick my favorite metal album ever, it's this:


It's impossible for me to get sick of this album. It's just that good IMO.
The guitar work, bass work, drums, vocals, song writing and compositions, just fucking perfect.
Also helps that is has some fucking great production on its side too.
My favorite albums are the ones I can listen to without skipping a track, these are just a few. Not really sure what my favorite album of all time is...
Define the great line/lost in the sound of separation: Underoath- The progression they made from chasing safety was astounding and these two albums to me are nearly flawless. I know a lot would disagree because of the type of music this is, but give no fucks :)

Controller- Misery Signals- They just take it to the next level for me. They are actually creative and intersting in a genre that is full of shit

It Hates You: He is legend- Just damn good music

Vhessu: Thrice- fuckin thrice

White Pony/Diamond Eyes: Deftones- Need I say more?
I'll add a +1 for Master Of Puppets.. after I heard just that first minute of that song... that was it for me! Never again could I go back to non metal and enjoy it truly. The sheer aggression and yet PERFECT composition and transition.. incredible. And till the day I die, it WILL stay the 1 album i can hear on repeat infinitely :)
Its almost 5 in the morning and i decided to post this cause of an album i listen to all the time.

What is your favorite album ever and why?

For me it without a doubt is Nocturnal by The Black Dahlia Murder. There is not a single thing i would change about this album and there is not a song that i dont love


Reasons why this album kicks teh arse

-Shannon Lucas is such a phenomenal drummer and his groove and double bass rhythms are perfect for the style of guitar playing.

-The guitar work is super dark and melodic and the soloing go's right along with it.

-The vocals although alot of people dont like trevor strnads high vocals, are unique and bone crushing. His lyrics are hands down the most intelligent and meaningful lyrics i have ever heard and his phrasing is catchy as hell.

-This entire album is just non stop go go go and has a super dark and melodic feel to it start to finish.

-The production is great also. Everything sticks out perfectly and punches well.

Since the day i heard this album i have listened to it about 3 times a week all the way through and i still do to this day. I know every song word for word and note for note. I hope they never stop making music EVER

So, what is your favorite album and why?

Every single exact word said on this post, would be what I would say.


Because it's the ONLY album were I don't skip ANY of the songs while listening.
All other of my top albums have at least 1 song I always skip, but this album kicks ass 100%.
+ the 2 of the best songs ever written are on that album. the first, and the last one :D
Every single exact word said on this post, would be what I would say.


Haha whats also nice is they are really cool dudes. I remember seeing them in NYC recently and they were all just hanging outside while obscura was playing. The moment i saw them it was like seeing a unicorn, just magical and uplifting lol. Needless to say i got a kreig joke picture with the guitarist


And here is my friend and shannon lol

First attempt


Second attempt


Tool - 10,000 Days

Karnivool - Sound Awake

They are both amazing albums that take you on a journey, not just a compilation of songs that a band wrote and compiled onto an album. I just think that both bands are absolutely genius at writing. All the overlapping rhythms etc. are extremely clever and at the same time they groove.

Not metal by any means, but just a couple of my favourite albums.