What is your favorite all-time album?

Maaaaaaaaaaaan. Tough question. :)
Okay, if I can choose one, it's My Dying Bride's "Turn Loose The Swans".

But that was favorite metal album, right? :D
Non-metal: Dead Can Dance "Spleen and Ideal"
I've got a short list of all time faves...here it is:
Morbid Angel: Blessed Are the Sick
Metallica: Master of Puppets
Iron Maiden: Somewhere In Time
Tangerine Dream: Ricochet
Mahavishnu Orchestra: Birds of Fire
Gothic music is nothing to be ashamed of, on the contrary! many bands woulndt sound so good with gothic inspiration, weather it taking from gothic metal (mdb for example) or old gothic rock like the Bauhaus or the cure.