What is your workflow using superior drummer 2.0 when tracking bands?


Dec 30, 2010
Hey guys i am years behind everyone and am thinking about getting superior drummer but i am not sure how it is used in the workflow when tracking a band.

How do you guys use it when recording someone other than yourself?

Do you have the band set up their kit and then program the beat in superior?

Sorry if what i am saying sounds stupid i have literally never ever seen or worked with it, i did watch the tutorial and i am sure it will be helpful once i get SD but i would like to understand its use in your workflow, please be detailed as possible.

Thank you
^ i dont think he's going to record a live kit in that scenario(?)

Either they have them allready programmed (Guitar Pro or their DAW piano roll) or you do it yourself.
You could either videotape a band rehearsal and programm it after that, or sit down with the drummer...provided he knows his shit of course.
Or you have a V-drum kit that is set up good = win.

But just you know: Once you bought SD2 you'll need *some* time to get to know HOW you have to programm the midi to make it sound good enough.
crillemannen said:
But Jeff is right though

Uhh yeah maybe if he has the luxury of always working with bands with drummers who don't suck balls or bands that aren't on a tight schedule than sure he's right, however that's not always the case yeah?
My workflow:

1. Setup mics record the drums getting the best take possible (1-2 hours of tracking).
2. Make tempo track fallow the drummer (about 15-20 mins of work)
3. Program the drums in superior to the acoustic drums (about 2 hours of work).
4. Smooth out the tempo track (10 seconds).

Superior shouldn't substitute the original arrangement that the drummer plays, just shitty drumming or shitty sounding drums.
thanks loren this helps unfortunately i can't even get started cuz i cant get superior to work its saying i need to set a path to the sounds before i can use them...don't know exactly what the hell that means or how to fix it lol, serves me right for getting a cracked plug huh?

serves me right for getting a cracked plug huh?


We hate thieves bro. I wouldn't bump or reply to this thread again if you know what's good for you.
yea i know, at least i admit dat shit, not like i haven't seen people get decimated on this forum for it before thnks for the help regardless
admitting it isn't getting you any points whatsoever.

downloading pirated software and then asking dumbfuck questions from the people who have actually bought the software is one of the most annoying things the internet can hold within itself.
Shitstorm aside, and to actually be helpful.

When I use Superior for bands wanting to do demos, I will program the drums with the drummer(tapping on his knees) shouldn't take long at all, although I have had a guy come in and take from 9:30 to like 12 just to tell me what he was playing, fucking drummers, and his parts were extremely easy, like EASY, some people are so fucking unprepared.
Anyway, that aside.

Superior drummer.
Multied out.
Save as template with plugs etc on it.
Insert template for session.
Program drums.

I don't really touch them again till the band has left and it is time for me to get sounds.
Saves time, gets shit done.

EDIT: And I don't see myself EVER under ANY circumstances letting a drummer set up his kit when I am PROGRAMMING DRUMS for the project.
Drummers fuck around A LOT.
If he cannot tell you what he is playing by just sitting down and tapping then it will be fucking hell watching him try and play that shit.
Just don't do it unless you are actually recording the kit.
It isn't worth the trouble.
You will already waste 30 minutes - 1 hour on them just setting up(over exaggeration)