what i've learned on tour by greg massi

my diary entries are not very inspired. just a brief overview of the gig. i don't really touch on the emotional and mental repurcussions of said gigs as much as i maybe could but also i don't want to sound too weird to the general public.
here's what i learned at wesleyan last night:
1. Kayo Dot and Friendly Bears are two of the most amazing bands in music right now
2. Kayo Dot and Friendly Bears are some of the most awesome and friendly people in the world.
3. The Eclectic house sounded great for the other two bands, but somehow sounded like ass for us.
4. I litterally don't have the energy to play for over 30 minutes (last night we added a new song to the set for the first time since july).
5. I have no control over how much trail mix i eat when i'm in a touring/show-playing situation.
6. Band mates say amusing things when they are half asleep and piled into a tiny automobile for long periods of time.
7. We need a van (see #6).
8. Kayo Dot had more shredding than i remember (this is good).
9. Friendly Bears reincarnated an old Osos Amistosos song as an imperial attack awesomeness.
10. Forbes' guitar tone is hilarious.
11. Forbes is hilarious (this is also good).
12. Getting no sleep and having to sleep in new jersey and take a train into nyc at the crack of dawn only to still be late for work is all worth it when it functions as a sacrifice for playing your own music!
1. Alcoholocaust gets stuck in my head like you wouldn't believe. i am singing it right now. this is good because the only other songs stuck in my head the past two days are britney spears's "toxic" and the cerberus shoal song:

hold my hand and make me dance
i'm sorry if i'm ever shy
everyone is beautiful inside

ps. now everyone who has seen cerberus will be humming that the rest of the day.
FuSoYa said:
hold my hand and make me dance
i'm sorry if HI GREG DIE
everyone is beautiful GREG DIE
Baliset said:
you can take a class on that at berklee i think.


they now have a whole program dedicated to manufacturing a pop icon at nyu. millions of dollars given my the ex-head of arista records to build new studios which i, of course, have no access to. yeah!