Things I've learned on this forum....


Orpheus: Melodic Death
Mar 9, 2008
I've probably been frequent to this forum since some time last year, so not long by any means. But I feel it's time I show my appreciation for this AMAZING forum and all it's members.

Things I've learned...

1. The ultimate guitar tone doesn't exist. Every album/ mix has IT'S own ultimate guitar tone because it needs to fit the mix just as much as it needs to be amazing. So there is no definitive guitar tone, despite our attempts to find it :p.
(This also goes with AMPs too).

But that's not a bad thing. If anything, it helps us to continue to try new and innovative things in order to get to the main goal, a great mix!

2. Every instrument is as important as the other, and it's the sum of all the parts that makes a great mix. The key is not to make everything sound as huge as can be, but to make each variable gel and sit where it should so that every other instrument may shine through where it should, instead of the other instruments taking it's place when they shouldn't. Everything has it's place in the mix and has to excel right there and not in other instruments sonic fields.

Listening to all these multitracks etc that have been provided on here and in other realms, has proven that guitars generally sound thinner than I expected and more concise in their frequency range *usable anyway*, Drums are more punch and whack than boom, and vocals take up more space than I once had thought, whilst remaining elusive in their key area.
The bass doesn't sit right at the bottom creating only gut punches. It growls and helps carry the guitars along.

3. $1000's and $1000's on gear doesn't make you a good AE. Many guys on here have proven times over, that a small amount of relatively affordable gear and a great deal of good free plugins are all you need when you have the drive and determination to take what you have to it's limit through your own knowledge and skills. Good AE > Good gear. Reminds me of those shitty bands where the 15 year old guitarist has a recto... He doesn't know how to use it.. Buy a marshall valvestate and learn how to EQ lol.

4. You guys are amazingly helpful and prove that not everyone is a tossbag in the music world. The most of us on here are quite humble and are always willing to lend a hand. Granted, sometimes some animosity can be shown to those who don't use the search function, but that's a given :)

5. My G.A.S is ridiculously out of control since joining. I want more amps than I'll ever afford and spend way to much time on here than at uni! lol

6. You guys just reinforce how important and exciting the recording process can be for not only yourselves, but everyone involved when everyones head is in the right place and the goal is to have the best product in the end no matter what.

This is always a great ethic, because the no matter what approach lets you try anything and everything in the context of getting a great mix.

I've read so many different approaches to mixing/ micing/ playing etc from so many people on here, but to each his own, and to each a great mix, each and everytime! It's amazing with so many diverse people and techinicians so to speak on here, this is what keep every mix uniqe and amazing in it's own way.

7. I've had the pleasure of at least being friends with 1 of you from here in real life. And I'm glad to say the pleasure of knowing you all is even better in real life. Ermz has taught me a great deal and has helped me with so many questions and queries over the last year or so. And thanks to that, it honestly has helped open my ears and mind greatly to all things Audio, and has definitely improved my mixes.

So again,
Thanks Sneapsters!

You guys are freaking A in my bookz!

Lol, Chris, don't start tearing up on us here...

Really good to see that you're getting the most out of all the info here and helping that take the band further through an open mind.