This forum is getting watered down

You can have the equip to become an engineer very easy at this moment in time, but James touched the nerve by mentioning that training your ears is the most important job of it all.
I do some livework nowadays just to keep me sharp (and it's fun), making a good FOHmix is -for me- much more of a challenge then making a video have some 'nice' backgroundmuzak.
There is too little interest in what should be called "solfege", -dunno an english word for it- what comes down to serious eartraining. It's importance is bigger then the biggest workstation from Tyan money can buy.

(Oh, and tips about Andy mixing the output of the triggerclick with the original kicksound to get that high-pitched 'tick' in his bassdrums don't hurt either.)
James Murphy said:
actually it was meant to be an Andy Sneap fan discussion forum. what it has become is another matter entirely.

I think it stands to reason that the average music-listener Joe hardly understands the role of a producer/engineer, much less has things to say in regards to them! Makes sense that Andy's core fanbase seems to consist of people with an appreciation of the craft.

Personally, I'm quite glad this forum turned out being what it is. As far as I'm aware it's (generally) the most mature, insightful and educational place on UM. So whether I fit into that aforementioned 'newbie' category or whatnot, I'm really glad for that one day in Information Systems class when I got so bored I decided to see what other random forums are around on UM and stumbled onto this place... the help and guidance I've received since then about engineering has been invaluable.

As James said, this place wasn't started with the intent of drawing in 'mature' recording engineer discussion and it would be hard to embed a mandate, demanding everyone adhere to that avenue of discussion. I think it is a tad unfair to think the forum can only cater to one side of the coin.

There are of course those common questions which are reiterated time upon time... which is why whenever I have the chance to say it, I suggest that someone take the time to write up a FAQ and sticky it on this forum. This would hopefully keep the newbies at bay, and allow for more fruitful discussion for the regulars.

So, personally I think there has to be a compromise to appease both newcomers and oldtimers alike. Nobody likes an elitist community, and all kinds of engineers have the opportunity to benefit from this place... I certainly did as a 'newbie', and still am as a 'slightly-less-newbie'.
(Oh, and tips about Andy mixing the output of the triggerclick with the original kicksound to get that high-pitched 'tick' in his bassdrums don't hurt either.)[/QUOTE]

I don't actually do that, some people do though, and i've done it with the snare before
Andy Sneap said:
I don't actually do that, some people do though, and i've done it with the snare before

Damn! Then how do you get that... (gnarling teeth)
Andy Sneap said:
(Oh, and tips about Andy mixing the output of the triggerclick with the original kicksound to get that high-pitched 'tick' in his bassdrums don't hurt either.)

I don't actually do that, some people do though, and i've done it with the snare before[/quote]What?!! You don't mix the sound of the trigger hit with the actual recorded kick??

I swear I read somewhere that was one of the many tricks you do. Where did I read it? I swear I read it in your forum somewhere.

Rats!:yell: Now I look the fool!*

(* Yeah yeah I know I've always looked the fool hahaha meh.)
Interesting thread. I am no sound engineer, just a musician who needs a place to put his music. So I really don't know anything. (and BTW, isn't a tape machine used to dispense scotch tape?). But the only threads that I don't read are the 'what are your settings for _____'. Those do me no good. A better question would be why are those your settings? But again, that may be a noobie question to some of you. And I understand the issue with that as well. If I need to know what all the knobs on my compressor do, I can get that from any one of 1000s of sites about recording.
Well he's got a lot to answer for then, doesn't he?

Why should I?

Andy told in the past he used this technique on the snare and kick and all I do is try out this on the toms to get out the overhead spill. It works very well and I can really recommend this.

So do you think now this is all crap only by the thought, its maybe not a recommendet "sneap technique"????:err:

@Hopkins: totaly agree!!
Frank'nfurter said:
Why should I?

Andy told in the past he used this technique on the snare and kick and all I do is try out this on the toms to get out the overhead spill. It works very well and I can really recommend this.

So do you think now this is all crap only by the thought, its maybe not a recommendet "sneap technique"????:err:

@Hopkins: totaly agree!!
well.. i wasn't involved in that exchange, but it's clear to see that the language barrier has caused someone to get butt-hurt again. Frank... it was a joke.. nur ein Witz. in English we call a statement like that one from Moonlapse "facetious"... what's the german word for it??... spöttisch? so you see, the statement was more in fun.. not a serious thing.

anyway.. this thread was good if only for one reason... to get those here that are still in the early stages of learning to work more on their ears than on collecting samples or the like. that is not a "silly" point at all.
Razorjack said:
There couldn't be a truer word spoken. In London there are thousands of 'engineers' who, to be honest, don't know the next thing about recording. Some of these guys even make a living out of it and they couldn't even tell you what proximity effect is, or how to set a compressor properly let alone line up a tape machine.

What's an effect? :dopey:

Moonlapse said:
haha, sorry Jack, I deleted the last message, didn't want to derail the thread..

Hahaha, it was indeed controversial :cool:

Wow, that was a pointless post. I really should go and do something useful :zombie:
Frank'nfurter said:
So do you think now this is all crap only by the thought, its maybe not a recommendet "sneap technique"????:err:

Nah, ofcourse not. Just fun trying to figure out some of his 'shortcuts'. :p

But metal is for me at this moment the most difficult music to mix, everybody can get into everybodies way. Some guys make choices like "no guitars and just a touch of drums but lots of symphokeys with a grunting gnome and howling virginlookalikes" others -like the namegiver of this forum- are capable to put every instrument in the mix without sacrificing dynamics & stuff and keep the overall vibe intact.
And that's what I'm after, screw the virgins.
The drumsamples Andy put up this forum are a godsend for me, they sit in the mix with the right attitude. Ofcourse this all comes down to proper skintuning, the right beater, the right mike & compression & eqsettings but it's such a narrow margin.. Bad(ly choosen) kit, crap sound for metal, nothing you can do about it.
Guitarplayer made his lesPaul active, sounded so much tighter om the Mesa that we tracked everything again. Stuff like that. Maybe I can figure it all out -in a looooong time- by myself I guess, but some insightinfo from a master doesn't hurt now does it?
Bah... If some people stopped complaining... If you don't like a thread or you find it useless or too simplistic, then ignore it! I discovered this forum by visiting Andy's website. Didn't know what a forum was before and I found my cup of tea instantaneously!!! Lucky that I am. I since discovered the CG talk forums (I work in graphic arts/makeup as a professional and I put the same effort in music as in graphic arts) and this forum REALLY need a 'STICKY' section with FAQs and a SEARCH ENGINE, the CG forums are really good 'cause of those features. Period. :u-huh:
James Murphy said:
well.. i wasn't involved in that exchange, but it's clear to see that the language barrier has caused someone to get butt-hurt again. Frank... it was joke.. nur ein Witz. in English we call a statement like that one from Moonlapse "facetious"... what's the german word for it??... spöttisch? so you see, the statement was more in fun.. not a serious thing.

anyway.. this thread was good if only for one reason... to get those here that are still in the early stages of learning to work more on their ears than on collecting samples or the like. that is not a "silly" point at all.

No problem James hehehe..... I don't take it to serious at all.:grin:
I got a sense of humor, believe it or not.;)

BTW. facetious = witzig.