This forum is getting watered down

This may be an old thread or whatever but since it's pulled a Lazarus,

I just wanna say that this is the only forum that I've ever enjoyed going to . Lurking or not it's full of cool info and cooler people. Very rarely is there bullshit or flamefests or morons coming by to start shit.

Here's to a pimp mofuggin '08.
well.. i wasn't involved in that exchange, but it's clear to see that the language barrier has caused someone to get butt-hurt again. Frank... it was a joke.. nur ein Witz. in English we call a statement like that one from Moonlapse "facetious"... what's the german word for it??... spöttisch? so you see, the statement was more in fun.. not a serious thing.

anyway.. this thread was good if only for one reason... to get those here that are still in the early stages of learning to work more on their ears than on collecting samples or the like. that is not a "silly" point at all.

my german is alittle rusty but I think you are trying to say:
Es war vom anmerkungswitz, nicht ernstgenommen zu werden
But were not n00bs now, so we can mistreat them all we want.

I personally stand by this thread still, I think a lot of people need to think and read before they open their mouths. Every day I deal with stupid guys who don't know the first thing about something they claim to love, and as James' said two years ago, everyone and their mother wants to be a "producer" without putting any effort in. I've been doing this for 7yrs now, 5 of which I spent in education (college and university), and even though I have a degree in acoustics and audio systems it means jack shit compared to the knowledge and experience of guys like James and Andy.
Perhaps a N00B-question subforum would be appropriate if people still think it's appropriate?

Balls... all sorts of great stuff around, usually doesn't take too long for the uppity ones to figure out how to treat the place... if people are going to actually complain about the forum, they should have real complaints - like the distinct shortage of pictures of cats with amusing captions. Now *that* is a serious problem, and if we don't fix it soon the place will be swarming with people who don't misspell 'the' and 'like' every chance they get...

I hope this helps
Yeah, you'd think that having at least eleventy billion Tube Screamer threads and a stickied FAQ (to which at least three billion other TS threads point) would stop people from asking TS questions, but then you'd be expecting the world to make too much sense.



Speaking of the SEARCH function.......i love this forum....but the search functions is by far the worst search function I have ever used in forum. I dunno if im mildly slow but it works like shit

Yup. I always stucked when I wanted to find something about "Eq".

Anyway, I think that a lot of people do ask stupid questions and they really don't know how much work and effort is needed to use your ears the right way and yeah... that's basically what everyone allready said.

But most of the times a forum seems to keep on just because of such people. And of course those who answer.
I joined last year, but lurked for a few months before that. So far I've had people tell me my vocal suck, that I'm weaker than a 13 year old girl, and I should tuck my nuts between my legs and call myself Sally. So all in all, it's been a good experience. And I've also learned that if I don't play through a 5150 I might as well just cut my hands off and be buried alive.
I joined last year, but lurked for a few months before that. So far I've had people tell me my vocal suck, that I'm weaker than a 13 year old girl, and I should tuck my nuts between my legs and call myself Sally. So all in all, it's been a good experience. And I've also learned that if I don't play through a 5150 I might as well just cut my hands off and be buried alive.

That's pretty fucken funny :lol::lol: :lol:
but another big part of the problem is this false perception that you can just buy some software, an interface, ask a few questions on a forum and blag some cool samples , then buy a POD XT and magically you will be a recording engineer.

Whew .... I thought this was going to apply to me, but then I decided to buy the Pod XT Pro next week! So I am in the clear, now!


I must say that I've learned ALOT from this Sneap site since I came hear a couple years ago.
I have a smalltime, rigged up, low dollar, home studio that I can pretty much out perform $100,000+ studios in my surrounding areas.

Most of this is probably cause I have an "ear" for initial dry sound out of the board is horrible (because I don't have nice high dollar preamps, nice treatment, etc.)...but my mixing has gotten WAY better, and I give much credit to Andy and the awesome people of this board!!:rock:

But I do agree that there are WAYYYY too many topics that could be answer with.....


Also, one priceless thing I learned here is..................Re-amping! OMG! When you drink alot while your tracking like I do and wake up the next morning and realized the mix sounds horrible with the amps the band had, or the way the mic was positioned, or whatever. BOOM....your saved because you also recorded the DI of the guitars!:goggly: