What?!?!?!?look at this


Teh Forum Fuhrer
Sep 16, 2002
i got this from the new sinergy website (www.thefourthworld.org) in the text interview section. i think Kim is trying to steal Alexi from COB:

(the Plague.com) What are your long-term goals for your career?
(Kim) I'd like to get a more steady line-up with musicians who don't play in any other band except Sinergy. Also, I want to tour and record as many albums as possible for the rest of my life. I want Sinergy to become a household name!

i don tknow what to think
I am also happy my site is a source of "WHAT THE FUCK?"

that interview was written before they even released Beware the Heavens back when they were with Jesper etc.
ok ok ok sorry i ever brought it up. eithr i didnt' see the date or its not on the interview (which, if it is the latter, i suggest putting dates on the inteviews).