What Norse unit is better?

too bad i dont know anything about world history, i'm such an ignorant american craphead. cool thread though.
Beorn of MythOdeviL said:
Well thanx.... our seals are nice too (Shayetet 13)
Yeah, I guess about the whole goddamn military forc in Israel could be cosidered no. 1in the world, although not in numbers... But I heard the paratroopers are the créme de la créme...am I wrong?
and by the way, innocent arabs are pretty fuckin' rare here in Germany and in Sweden too (i am a Swede), it's just blind ass left-winged neo anti-semites
and anti-american and anti everytthing else that is western + themselves A.K.A. "arab friends" who think that it is so interesting with their culture :loco: etc. Man, I'm telling you, Europe is really getting anti semitic again.

But isn't that wall helping a bit now in Israel?
TheLastWithPaganBlood said:
Yeah, I guess about the whole goddamn military forc in Israel could be cosidered no. 1in the world, although not in numbers... But I heard the paratroopers are the créme de la créme...am I wrong?
and by the way, innocent arabs are pretty fuckin' rare here in Germany and in Sweden too (i am a Swede), it's just blind ass left-winged neo anti-semites
and anti-american and anti everytthing else that is western + themselves A.K.A. "arab friends" who think that it is so interesting with their culture :loco: etc. Man, I'm telling you, Europe is really getting anti semitic again.

But isn't that wall helping a bit now in Israel?

Neeh you see, I don't lick Arab balls at all and I hate Fundementalists and ugly little Gangster kids, I really do. Then again, what doesn't piss me off hah...
anyway they are more rare here.
Yep, it seems that Europe's gonna get it BIGTIME on the head from all of its arab (and probably muslim too) population......
Spain got it...
Do ppl need to learn everything the hard way?
Yellow press:
I thought this means the unserious press....When I'm informed correct.

About democracy:
Your German is good enough to notice that it has something to do with it. This isn't a direct complaint, but an indirect, based on the
fact that this is an general statement(!!!).
What I want to express is, that neither democracy, nor any other form of
reign is able to please a whole state based on individuals. AND because of this I'm stepping out of the whole shit of political leadership 'cuz I'm an individual. So I'm making my own rules which only are correct for me, noone else 'cuz they don't need to be correct for a whole group of people.
That doesn't imply that I'm for any form of dictatorship or that I try to
oppress people or groups, you see?
TheLastWithPaganBlood said:
Eisbär must be a very ungerman german, since he doesen't follow the rules that are generally agreed upon. Perhaps an anarchist?
No, no anarchist 'cuz anarchy doesn't work like many other forms.
There always will be a hierachy among humans, and as long a hierachy exists there can't be anarchy.
AND some humans like to dominate others. SO there are rules, and rules aren't anarchy, too.
BTW, what is "typical" German? The clichee-reactions and way of thoughts you expect out of the knowledge you got from TV, cinema, etc?
I wouldn't even vote. The political situation is so fucked up here that I can't decide in which pile of shit I should step in.
I'd vote for some of these "fun"-parties, nothing serious 'cuz they won't
get the 5% barrier and theres no point for feeling guilty if a new government does the same shit like the others before.
Or I would throw a dart...:)
Well it seems that there isn't any place in the world where the political situation is good.... We have one of the most fucked up situations in the world now because of the separation referendum... which wasn't much a referendum even because only LIKUD party memebers (LIKUD is the party at the wheel now....) could vote it.... and they aren't much smart. I say settlements in Gaza should be terminated beacuse it was never jewish soil, even in biblical times. And the referendum failed because over 55% voted against separation from PA....
Sumerian said:
I would take Odin, alone. As is said, he would blind the enemy with his glowing white light and so perplex them that their weapons would turn to reed. The enemy would also be in such awe of his strength and looks that they would just stand there, petrified, while we would cut them down like grass. Then Odin and I would have long conversations about the battle, spoken only in ryme.
nice, man. nice. only ryme.

by the way, what happened to this thread???