What other forums on Ultimate Metal do you post in?

I hang here mostly, but I go sifting through Sun Caged, Evergrey, Nevermore, Soilwork, Ayreon, and the Chat forums sometimes. I hang at Perpetual Motion and #Seismic alot too, when I'm not busy with my life.
Hey dado x is that you?, looking goood man,
Hey you look like a cross between Donald Sutherland and Wilily Wonker,

la la la the candy man can, the candy man can cause he mixes it with love and makes the world taste good

Oh man your a class act.
We'll have to meet up one day, bring your brother and we'll have a cup of coffee, dinner and a dance, chase some women(quite literally), your brothers bound to set me up like. All he has to do is make that face at a women a she's 4 the taking.

Laters geeza