what piece of hardware processes effects?


May 3, 2004
I always figured this was a cpu thing, but recently ive noticed that when im tracking stuff through my pod i have to freeze a lot of stuff/turn off mastering effects before i can record normally without the audio crapping out, but when i switch to my soundcard to listen through my pc speakers i can have a lot more effects going on before it starts to chug. So clearly the interface has some sort of role in this, but what?

On a sidenote, i need a new interface badly. can someone recomend one, i dont need more than like two inputs, below $500. Ive been looking at the focusrite saffire and motu 828 mkii, does anyone have experience with either?
I have used an 828 mkII before, and I currently own an 896HD, which is essentially a stepped up version of one. I'm happy with my 896, although I think its worth remembering that while the converters IN are good, the preamps are a bit shitty, and the D/A obviously isn't the best. But depending on your needs, Im sure it could be a useful purchase. I can't remember off the top of my head whether the 828 goes up to 192kHz or not, but I normally just track at 48/48 anyway. Id assume the converters and pre's are the same in each. Its nice on the 896 to have the meters for each input and output, whearas on the 828 you have to use that little screen. Never used the Focusrite Saffire, so I can't offer any opinions on that.

Hmm, just looking that you only need 2 inputs, the 828 could even be overkill for you. That has 2 Phantom Powered Ins, plus more on the back. I'd say it really depends on what you plan on using it for, and the quality you are after. It may be better for you to buy a cheap 2 channel interface, and spend the rest of the money on a nicer pre.
s34nsm411 said:
I always figured this was a cpu thing, but recently ive noticed that when im tracking stuff through my pod i have to freeze a lot of stuff/turn off mastering effects before i can record normally without the audio crapping out, but when i switch to my soundcard to listen through my pc speakers i can have a lot more effects going on before it starts to chug. So clearly the interface has some sort of role in this, but what?

I don't know why it does it but i agree, i have the same problem with podxtlive, it always craps out after about a minute or so. Just running it with the pod's usb driver in cubase
Machinated said:
Hmm, just looking that you only need 2 inputs, the 828 could even be overkill for you. That has 2 Phantom Powered Ins, plus more on the back. I'd say it really depends on what you plan on using it for, and the quality you are after. It may be better for you to buy a cheap 2 channel interface, and spend the rest of the money on a nicer pre.

Thats an interesting idea, but wouldnt a cheap interface have crappy a/d converters, making it redundant to run a nice preamp through it?
Have a look into it - look into the specs of different units. Anything that can go up to 24/96 would be plenty. IMO it would be better saving the money on channels that you won't use, and putting the money into a nice preamp that you can use on everything, and get good results.
Machinated said:
Have a look into it - look into the specs of different units. Anything that can go up to 24/96 would be plenty. IMO it would be better saving the money on channels that you won't use, and putting the money into a nice preamp that you can use on everything, and get good results.

i was always under the impression that the resolution of a/d converters didnt matter, but the quality of the make was what sets them apart?

also, anybody got some preamp suggestions in the 500 dollar range?
s34nsm411 said:
i was always under the impression that the resolution of a/d converters didnt matter, but the quality of the make was what sets them apart?

also, anybody got some preamp suggestions in the 500 dollar range?

Yeah definitely, but IMO there is only so much difference it can make, and potentially quite a price drop. Obviously some converters will be rubbish, but I'm sure there will be something of fairly decent quality in the price range you are looking at.

Not exactly too sure at what they go for, but the VTB-1 always seems to get good praise round here. Also always hearing good things about the RNP, but again I'm not overly familiar with the pricetag.
M-Audio DMP3 or the RNP. I picked up a DMP3 a couple of months back and love it. Two channels as well compared with the one channel VTB-1 which was the other option I explored. I read up on the DMP3 and everyone raved about it in terms of bang for the buck and they were dead right as far as I'm concerned. I find it very warm (at least on my vox).