What political philosophy do metalheads most associate with?

What political philosophy do score as?

  • Left

    Votes: 13 26.5%
  • Right

    Votes: 5 10.2%
  • Libertarian

    Votes: 21 42.9%
  • Centrist

    Votes: 10 20.4%
  • Statist

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

The Fiddler

Just Do It.
Nov 27, 2002
Heaven and Hell
Take it for what it's worth...

World's Smallest Political Quiz:

So, you think you know where you stand, politically. "Think again." The result from this short test may surprise you and give you some "food for thought." You'll be asked just 10 questions, and then it instantly tells you where you stand politically. It shows your position as a red dot on a "political map" so you'll see exactly where you score. The most interesting thing about the Quiz is that it goes beyond the Democrat, Republican, and Independent...

The Quiz has gotten a lot of praise. The Washington Post said it has "gained respect as a valid measure of a person's political leanings." The Fraser Institute said it's "a fast, fun, and accurate assessment of a person's overall political views." Suite University said it is the "most concise and accurate political quiz out there."*

Take the quiz and vote in the poll. Votes are anonymous of course.

I'm more of a moderate (I guess on your quiz "centrist"). Take some both sides of the coin. But I don't identify with any major (or minor) political party.

Edit: Hmm.. took that quick quiz... said I'm Liberitatian.. don't necessarily agree with that though.
It rated me a libertarian, which I am ... socially. I don't lean quite that far economically.
Quiz says I'm libertarian, which for some candidates I agree, others....not so much. I'm pretty much a centrist, because I recognize the need for some laws and not so much of a need for others. Also, being a business owner is starting to slant my view in regards to 'business handouts'.
As one of those, I'd like a candidate to vote for, who I can mostly agree with and feel confidant that s/he can perform the job, up to reasonable snuff. When that happens, I'll make a point of being in the country TO vote.

This. I will never vote unless there is a candidate I actually want to stand behind.

I got Libertarian.
The people who don't vote and stick their head in the sand. :Smug:

No, the correct answer is no one. No one should care what political philosophy metalheads most associate with because it's a ridiculous debate to begin with (among other things, you'd have to define what a metalhead is... which isn't as simple as you might think because it would also mean defining metal. Good luck with that.) that would involve useless political discussion and e-pissing contests as with all political threads. I mean, do you honestly think you can even remotely gauge with any semblance of certaintude what political standing "most" 'metalheads' align with by this thread? I doubt it. This is just going to be a silly political thread I am sure. I'm sorry for speaking the tr00f here dude.

And the whole idea of "Think you know where you stand? think again!" is aggravating as well. I know where I stand; and I don't need to be branded with lame political jargon by an equally lame poll. One of the (many) things wrong with politics in the first place is that we are far too concerned with useless labels and titles that only vaguely define our unique and subjective views.
Libertarian....but I'm not a card-carrying member of the party. I'm actually a right-approaching libertarian, meaning I come to the fold largely through fiscal conservatism, more individual responsibility, etc.
Libertarian for me. I knew this beforehand... and if you want to know HOW Libertarian I am, go to the very top corner of the graph, and then move to the very first point to the left of this corner. And the only reason I am not directly in the Libertarian corner is because I am "moderate" on the idea of a national ID card.

However, I really do think this quiz is WAY too simplistic to use as a definitive political litmus test. There are much more thorough ones out there, whose questions aren't biased in the direction of libertarianism.
Centerist, and on the line literally between leftist and libertarian, had I been one more tick up, I would've hit all 3. A Leftist Libertarian Centerist. Meh. I'm just patiently waiting for the two party system to destroy itself, so Alan Grayson can be our new King. Probably after he morphs into a giant carnivorous antelope.
80% Personal
40% Economic

agree most with . . Liberal (Which is NOT the same as Democrats, btw)

LIBERALS usually embrace freedom of choice in personal

matters, but tend to support significant government control of the

economy. They generally support a government-funded "safety net"
to help the disadvantaged, and advocate strict regulation

of business. Liberals tend to favor environmental regulations,

defend civil liberties and free expression, support government action

to promote equality, and tolerate diverse lifestyles.

that sounds right
Scored Liberal, which is quite an understatement but is as accurate as this stupid quiz can get. This quiz is obviously worded so that people will answer based on their kneejerk reactions to the simplistic questions and end up with a grand revelation of their libertarian views that they didn't even know they had. After taking the quiz I checked the site and confirmed my suspicions that it is, of course, a libertarian website.
Interesting, it scored me as Libertarian, almost crossing over into Right territory.

LIBERTARIANS support maximum liberty in both personal and

economic matters. They advocate a much smaller government; one

that is limited to protecting individuals from coercion and violence.

Libertarians tend to embrace individual responsibility, oppose

government bureaucracy and taxes, promote private charity, tolerate

diverse lifestyles, support the free market, and defend civil liberties.
