What scares the crap out of you?

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My new job lol (not so much anymore though)... I'll be a moron until I get the hang of it =)

Being in any new, stressful situation usually makes me turn simple nervousness into an all-out phobia..
hmmm...i'm afraid becoming old..that just fuckin' sucks!!you're just killing time playing those fuckin' poker machines and after that when you at night go to crab a beer or two bunch of asswipe youngsters come and kick your wrinkled ass..
and your dick won't operate as it use to be..
I believe we are all scared of something, no matter if we admit it or not...I am generally a strong person, but I can name a few things off the top of my head that scare the crap out of me...

Stephen King's movie "It"
"The Excorcist"
Any spider that has any body mass to it at all
Definitely loneliness
Losing my hearing (someone mentioned this already). I am a VERY auditory person...if I lost my hearing I may as well just put a bullet in my head.
I have fear of Papa Noel,clowns,dress up people in the street and those people at processions who wear clothes that seems like the"Ku kux clan"(i dont know if i typed it well).......Do you know who i mean anyway???
Originally posted by Torgoth
Have you heard Viagra? ;)
Well, I bet that when you are old they have invented something even better than Viagra, heh.
aah yes I forgot that completely...but Viagra might cause heartattacks for older people so they better invent something better. and if they don't and u have to use Viagra, at least u die happy:)
What scares the crap outta me... hmmm lemme see...

1. Losing my girlfriend, and close family members, and my dog
2. Turning into someone who has lost their sense of humour, and feels too old to play with LEGO :grin:
3. Posh people ARRRRRGHHHHHH :eek:
4. Bambi, Mickey Mouse, and Pac Man
5. The thought of going to heaven :cry:
6. A Global Ban on Metal :cry:
7. Pop music :rolleyes:
8. Dance music :rolleyes:
9. Country music :rolleyes:
10. Teen slasher films getting awards for originality :lol:
11. Losing my movie and music collection
12. Simpsons coming to an end
13. Being stalked by Predator
14. Being chased by the Alien from Alien3
and finally...
15. Losing the ability to see and hear
Originally posted by EagleFlyFree
what the hell are you talking about? you're TWENTY YEARS OLD, why won't accept the fact that you're ancient already? :-P

I am STILL 19!! You little brat, better start respecting me or... :mad:

Getting mad will only wrinkle your face and make you look ugly... ;)

And you don't to give your handsome face an ugly expression, do you? :grin:
psychoanalytical post :D

well, i think the greatest fear of everyone is actually, deep there, as many of you said, losing your loved ones and certain loneliness... that's pretty much our primal fear, because of our society-based nature. We are all social animals and as much as we try to deny it, deep therei think that's a fear shared by everyone.
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