What's your opinion on Christian Metal?


Carebear stare!
Dec 3, 2003
What do you guys think about Christian Metal? I think it generally sucks, not because it's Christian, but just because most of those bands suck. One of the only good Christian metal bands is Living Sacrifice. I got their new album a couple weeks ago, It's a little monotone, but nowhere near as bad as the crap thota's on the radio. It's really heavy too, and the singer scares the crap out of my mom. :grin: So, it might be a band some of you will want to check out. So, what do y'all think of Christian Metal bands?
As a vast generalization, I dislike songs that outright suggest I worship a specific diety (be it god or Satan). I cant, off the top of my head, think of any Christian Metal songs that I even remotely like. But hey, if its a kick ass song, its a kick ass song regardless of what genre it is.
Well my favorite Christian Metal Band is OIL......which features Ex-Dark Angel frontman & singer......Ron Rinehart, thanks to Metal Mom who sent me their album "Refine".......I knew Ron before he was in Dark Angel, in a band in his hometown,(Whitter,LA), my cousin also lived there & we remember seeing him play backyard kegger parties, later I had the pleasure to tour with him & Dark Angel, he really is a great guy, that can also sing his heart out!
The only Christian metal band that has impressed me is Tourniquet, they have non-preachy lyrics and great riffs! I believe that if the metal is good then it's good regardless of belief.
Deadly Embrace said:
Well my favorite Christian Metal Band is OIL......which features Ex-Dark Angel frontman & singer......Ron Rinehart, thanks to Metal Mom who sent me their album "Refine".......I knew Ron before he was in Dark Angel, in a band in his hometown,(Whitter,LA), my cousin also lived there & we remember seeing him play backyard kegger parties, later I had the pleasure to tour with him & Dark Angel, he really is a great guy, that can also sing his heart out!
Oil is a good band. I have their cd too. They're always playing down here in the Downey / Whittier area , (about 20 mins south from me) but I've yet to see them live though. Maybe one day soon? I have been a fan of Dark Angel for a LONG time, and have always wanted to meet Ron. That's pretty cool you've known him so long DE. He's a kick ass singer and looks like a member of the Hells Angels. Basically , he looks like someone you wouldn't want to mess with :tickled: Ron rules ! ( I am still hoping for a Dark Angel reunion)

I'm not really into "Christian Metal" though. To me , it's just about the music, I can do without the "Go-Jesus" messages etc , and this is coming from someone who went to Catholic School for 9 Years.
To tell you the truth...I always thought Testament had some good positive songs...some may laugh at that..just my belief I guess. Being a christian and trying to listen to christian metal is kinda odd.....I cannot stand listening to the same story over and over again..same with satanic albums....you can only kill god so many times before it gets very old. :p