What should be the next single?

lupe_m said:
What do you think should be the next single?

I say "Anyplace but Here" should be the next single.

I think Taking the music back is scheduled to be the next single. I would pick Cadillac Rock Box if you want Radio play and Superhero, Refuse to be denied, or strap it on, otherwise.
I think they like taking the music back because daltry's on there. Don't get me wrong. I do like the song though.
Very interesting post you have begun. I myself think that "Cadillac Rock Box" sounds like it should be the next single, however I have fallen head over heels for "Any Place But Here" and "Refuse To Be Denied". Whichever one is chosen is all good with me. :headbang:

Have a good one!
I'd say Cadillac is the most "radio friendly" next to Safe Home, but I'd like to hear WCFYA itself on the airwaves. Let everyone know Anthrax is back and has come to kick your ass!
Jockthrax said:
U think Superhero would be the more commercially succesful track on the album but what the hell do i know....

I agree. Superhero kicks so much ass, and it's 'radio friendly'.
Refuse to be Denied

Short, heavy, catchy, tuneful. Single material.

Not to mention the best track on the record.
i think its a waste of time and money if they release another single,take a leaf out of pantera's book,on the trendkill record they only released drag the waters in the states,a band of such stature would usually release at least 2 or 3 singles but they were smart enough to realise that metal wasnt popular and it wasnt in there best interests.

they would be much better off spending money on full page ads and timely adds on radio.