What song would you like Lycanthia to cover?


Oct 11, 2002
Sydney, Australia
As the title suggests.

Is there a song that you think Lycanthia could do justice to?

Preferably not one that has been done to death and not necessarily a Metal song.

...and not Slave of Love.

Who knows if we like a suggestion we may even decide to play it some time.

It'd have to be something really classic.

That could work against us, some classics should not be touched.

Could you make a Sabbath number work?

Quite possibly.

Or Maiden like Dave said. No-one's covered Revelations....

The song would have to suit our sound and what Lycanthia is all about. Personally speaking I'd like us to re-do a song in our own way and have it sound different to the original - otherwise it would make us sound like a cover band.

I'd also prefer it not to be a Metal song as they are already heavy enough and putting it through our changes may not actually work or add anything significant to the song. Keep up the suggestions though, as I said, if the whole band can agree on one we may throw it into our set some time.

the bands like - JOURNEY, OR BABYS, or ASIA

any cool melodic 80's bands with keyboards

what about the vox...yep, i am with ya...
doom metal version
for 2008