what sort of crowd do you get at a KATATONIA gig?


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Actually, I just found Jerry's post about that last Katatonia show:

Anyhow, out come Katatonia to a thunderous ovation, as overweight gothic chicks and 4 ft 11 inch tall long haired mexicans who look like Chilean strippers threw up the horns in jubilation. I in bewilderment, stood idly by grimacing that I must be surrounded by such disgusting gothic filth. Can people just dress like normal human beings for fuck sakes?!?! I seen a 300lb profanity doppleganger, dawning mascera and wearing tribal hair patterns. His head looked as if his barber had down syndrome. I wish a stillbirth upon his offspring, if he is ever fortunate to land a fellow disproportioned switchblade symphony loving locklear of the night. But I digress...

jesus h mohammed :tickled:

Anyway, we're off to see Katatonia in NYC this Thursday. The last time I saw a bunch of goths was when Paradise Lost opened for Opeth, and so I'll assume they'll all come out from under their rocks again this week.
Last time i went to see katatonia, i didn't really notice anything out of the ordinary compared to every other show we get here..? Naturally you're going to get some of that type, but it's really not that much of a distraction is it? Looking forward to seeing some new songs in the setlist though (dissolving bonds maybe)
Last time i went to see katatonia, i didn't really notice anything out of the ordinary compared to every other show we get here..?

You notice it when you're sober. Speaking of which, Nad you need to arrive early bro, we need to get tanked in the alley.

100% Cranberry with Svedka all around. :kickass:
I like to know what kind of people are going to be at a concert I am going to so I know what to expect out of crowd activity. If I know a bunch of goths are there, I know they're just gonna sit and stare at their feet. This is good. On the other hand, if I know a bunch of gay men on angel dust are going to be there, I know to plug my asshole in advance.

Enjoying the music is only half the game at a concert these days.
One fateful night, I was trying to watch Jesper of In Flames get down and dirty during their perfomance of "Behind Space", but to my chagrin I was occupied dodging SXE Black Belts doing Tornisian Moonsaults off the stage and in to my comfort zone. A respectable crowd can make a good gig great. A piss poor one can make a decent one an abomination.
I guess I am so focused at a concert paying attention to the music to revert to high school like mannerisms of caring what everyone looks like.

It's more about the attitudes of others -- and their look sometimes dictates the attitude.

That said, Katatonia and other goth fans are harmless. It's the "ozzfest" type crowd I detest the most.
i wasnt that impressed

Nor was I when I seen them last year. Though I contribute this mostly to my sober state of being at the time. In 2 weeks when I give them a second go, I plan to be pissed out of my wits, in the comfort of more appropriate attire, and in the mood to brood.