what sort of crowd do you get at a KATATONIA gig?

the gig was just really an average sized room with a slightly elevated part that was the "state", which was cool. i think there was one spotlight too.
This is one of the reasons why I'd never become an alcoholic. You shoot your wad to the point where your life spins radically out of control, then are forced to give it up cold turkey to stabilize your reality. (Or you can always keep going and wind up homeless). But in regards to the former, why not spread such libation bolstered endeavors for when in the proper setting? For with these elixirs, great bands, become Gods.
So, the gig last night... ehhh.

First off, the show had to be near capacity. Which is a nice showing for Katatonia and three relatively unknowns.

Swallow the Sun - sounded pretty tight, but their sound and stage presence failed to draw me in. In their defense, I tend to prefer this style on headphones to the stage.

Insomnium - better, but still didn't completely draw me in. Luckily for me, both StS and Insomnium were heavy handed with their new material. Again, even with Insomnium's more upbeat style, I tend to prefer this atmoshpere heavy music on headphones to stage.

Scar Symmetry - boring. Every time I hear these guys, I think, "Poor man's Soilwork". That said, the crowd was into them.

Katatonia - this is a band that is Metal in name only. Which, in and of itself, is fine. I like plenty of non-Metal acts. I stayed for the first third of their set, and then chose to leave, because I was completely bored. Their sound was average and their stage performance was less than average. The guy with the polo shirt and metro-sexual jeans, standing in front us, dancing, was just killing my will to be.

this is exactly why I don't like these types of bands ... i have yet to see one on video or live that generate some kind of "energy" ... it's like dreamy metal or whatever you want to call it.
i think like you said, on headphones might be cool ... ah whatever ... this type of "metal" does nothing for me.
this is exactly why I don't like these types of bands ... i have yet to see one on video or live that generate some kind of "energy" ... it's like dreamy metal or whatever you want to call it.
i think like you said, on headphones might be cool ... ah whatever ... this type of "metal" does nothing for me.

The problem is, the "energy metal" bands weren't so great either. I mean, after 2-3 songs, you tend to lose focus. Pretty one dimensional stuff.

Really, at the end of the day, a good live show is wholly dependent on how much you like the music beforehand. If you're not really into the genre, a live performance is rarely going to win you over.
Damn... Katatonia's always been on the list of bands I must see live, but after reading Zod's experience, I'm not so sure it's be worth it anymore...
Just as a frame of reference, they're not a band I'm a big fan of (any of their eras). Also, we were hanging back, where it tends to be tougher to get sucked into the show. That said, the fact remains, they're stage show is low energy. And if you're not going to bring your "A" game for a packed house in NYC's Time Square, when will you?

Being a big Katatonia fan I thought the two shows I caught by them last year were great. I'm surprised how many people around here were not happy with their performance, especially when/if they played Murder:u-huh:
Mike, I was underwhelmed by their performance at the Whisky. Real low energy to it all. But it could have been an off night on their part as well as mine. We'll see come Sept 19th.
Just as a frame of reference, they're not a band I'm a big fan of (any of their eras).

That could make a difference in my case, certainly, since I've loved every phase of their career, including LFDGD. That one really spoke to the mopey-teenage-angst-ridden-fuckwit I was at the time that came out, and some positive associations still remain.
Still haven't heard the new one.

Brave Murder Day is pants, but sometimes I like Last Fair Deal Gone Down the best.

Love the way their newer albums sound, and I normally hate crystaline production.
A lot of people left during Katatonia in NYC. I stuck around for like 5 songs before being ridiculously bored and leaving. Didn't really notice the crowd besides the usual metal shirts scattered about, lot better then the kung-fu kiddies, which I haven't seen at a show in some time.
A lot of people left during Katatonia in NYC. I stuck around for like 5 songs before being ridiculously bored and leaving. Didn't really notice the crowd besides the usual metal shirts scattered about, lot better then the kung-fu kiddies, which I haven't seen at a show in some time.

so waht you guys are saying that the majority of the crowd was there for Scar Symetry?