What the F*CK!!!!!

Sep 1, 2001
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what the hell is going on with logic. Weird artifacts are showing up in random tracks and its ruining my sessions. I spend alot of time getting everything the way i want it and then all of a sudden there are clicks and drop outs and tracks showing up in other tracks! for an example some violins that are at the end of the song show up near the beginning in a effect track. it doesnt make any sense to me. has this happened to anyone else before? i recently got a new mac i5 to handle everything i threw at it, and an apogee duet 2. i spend all of this money and for what? so my tracks can be demolished for no apparent reason? can anyone explain whats happening here?

Also, from the look of the actual waveform, everything seems okay. but on playback, weird shit is happening.

EDIT: so i guess the problem was the fade files being corrupted. So adjusting the fades or just deleting the fade files and having logic recalculate them will fix it. strange and frustrating problem in logic.
Sometimes if you don't render fades and you reopen your projects this bug happens, at least for me.