What the fuck.

You don't HAVE to die from it, you know, if you can manage to perish the thought. But that aside, I'd still eat at Dominoes. It was one fucking location...
I'm more bothered by things like this:

"Similarly, redesigned Tropicana containers were pulled from the shelves after an angry Twitter storm struck the company and forced a reversal. "


I remember Godfather's from when I visited Washington, it was quite tasty.

They are indeed the best pizza place around, in my opinion. Garlic Jim's is pretty badass but the cheese that Godfather's uses is superb. They're fucking expensive as piss, though.

I bought a medium hawaiian and some cheese sticks and the fucker costed like $24.
The spicey one Godfather's had the last time I ate there was awesome. Probably hot enough to burn off any errant dingleberries or boogers.

But this story is one reason I have not been ordering out this year. I've become a bit of a germophobe from staying in so many hotels even though when I worked a pizza joint, we never fucked with anyone's food.