"You're special cuz there aren't very many little girls out there that have a penis."

no, they are not communist. look it up. socialists go both ways believe in a mixture communism and capitalism. think before you talk (or type)

HAhahahahahaha :lol::lol::lol:

Go back to school buddy.

Socialism is the simple way of describing "the left", Communism is simply an extreme form of Socialism. "think before you talk (or type)" I'm currently in College studying the Russian Revolution, don't think you can argue with me about Socialism.
You seem to have a totally warped view of politics, Socialism does not always = "some capatalism". Socialism is the political "genre" underwhich certain political viewpoints come under, if your a member of the Labour party in the Uk, then yes you are Socialist, but with mainly capitalist ideals. If you're a Communist then you're also a Socialist, just a radical, extremist one.

You said this:
no, they are not communist.

Claiming that socialism isn't to do with Communism, which is TOTAL FUCKING BULLSHIT.
You seem to have a totally warped view of politics, Socialism does not always = "some capatalism". Socialism is the political "genre" underwhich certain political viewpoints come under, if your a member of the Labour party in the Uk, then yes you are Socialist, but with mainly capitalist ideals. If you're a Communist then you're also a Socialist, just a radical, extremist one.

You said this:

Claiming that socialism isn't to do with Communism, which is TOTAL FUCKING BULLSHIT.

dude, this is like arguing that a person in the independent party is more democrat or more republican and actually, i think both of us will agree that we're tired of arguing over whether lemon tea is lemon or tea
George W. Bush is the worst U.S. President of ALL time. When schoolchildren in the future open up a history book they will learn what a terrible president he was (in fact, worst president ever), how he fucked over our country, and how even a complete idiot can make it to a high office (even if the last elected office he held legally was Governor of Texas).
George W. Bush is the worst U.S. President of ALL time. When schoolchildren in the future open up a history book they will learn what a terrible president he was (in fact, worst president ever), how he fucked over our country, and how even a complete idiot can make it to a high office (even if the last elected office he held legally was Governor of Texas).

i don't think there is anyone left who thinks he's a good guy:lol:

Joe, you're special cuz there aren't very many little girls out there that have a penis

Oh yes because we are on the verge of a transvestite apocalypse. It's not G.W.Bush, it's not our horrible economy, it's not this stupid war that we're fighting that makes you dislike this country. Its trannies. I dislike America just as much as the next guy, so don't get me wrong here. I want to move as well, but do you think the real reason I want to do that is because I'm afraid that in the coming years that this country will be taken over by he shes? That everyone will be forced to succumb to their agenda of mutating every known US citizen to breed children that have tits and a dick? There will be a war...it'll be like the plot of X-Men, but way more gross. Maybe....X-WoMen.....yea....I totally get your point. Way to be a total ignorant douche. Oh and BTW...You really think that there aren't transgender people in other countries? You've got another thing comin' pall.

ok lol man there are many more reasons y i hate america its juss the topic is about tranies thts y i said i hate america cuz we except thi kinda shit
ok lol man there are many more reasons y i hate america its juss the topic is about tranies thts y i said i hate america cuz we except thi kinda shit

you're the reason we -are- so fucked up you intolerant asshole. do you hate the jews too you nazi? how bout the gays? do you agree with the japanese internment you fucking redneck? this country was founded on tolerance, who the fuck do you think you are?
I want rep points back to rep Dred and Joe!

I really had to laugh hard at viewer from nihil's "opinions". There are only two things you dislike about your country? Congratulations. By the way I can't stand the sentence "this country was found on tolerance" anymore. Every american should know that the first thing your ancestors did when arriving as colonists at america was to steal the land from the indigens, force them into reservations and force them to give up their culture and to assimilate.

I definitely appreciate that persons like shredtastical are all for tolerance, but this founding-argument has no right to exist.

And last but not least: Non-Americans should cut this "lolamerica-shit" (I say it aswell from time to time). It's obvious that 1. many other country's gouvernments make money out of "american-stupidities" and that 2. many of the "american problems" occur in our countries too, but not in a blatant way like in the USA.
I want rep points back to rep Dred and Joe!

I really had to laugh hard at viewer from nihil's "opinions". There are only two things you dislike about your country? Congratulations. By the way I can't stand the sentence "this country was found on tolerance" anymore. Every american should know that the first thing your ancestors did when arriving as colonists at america was to steal the land from the indigens, force them into reservations and force them to give up their culture and to assimilate.

i agree with this 100% actually. what we did to the native american indians was barbaric and disgusting. but it still doesnt change the ideals that the founders attempted to implement. yes, americans have been disgusting throughout history with intolerance, but the basic ideal still stands. slavery, the witch trials, women's rights, etc., yeah a lot of people screwed up. and i don't support that. however, "every man (woman) is created equal" is what this country was -supposed- to have been founded on.