What the hell? (ebay content)

Loren Littlejohn

Lover of all boobage.
So I open up my (what I thought was) privrate email account that I do not give out to anyone unless they are a human being (so not stupid companies buisness shit etc...)

And there is this awsome message:


"Dear eBay member,

It's been 3 weeks since you won my auction and you haven't sent the payment yet. I will report you to the police and to eBay right away. You will receive a non paying bidder report and your eBay account will be suspended imediately. You are a bad person and you deserve this. Bye bye."

Now this is obviously a mistake (since this is not the email account I have attached to my ebay account) and I did contact him telling him he had the wrong address/person (since I didn't get the first 2 notices).

Whats funny is he can't do shit LEAGALLY about someone not paying, he still has his merch and whoever didn't pay still has there money so I dunno what he is smokin. Plus he is in GERMANY (lol I don't order anything from Germany since it would probably take a month to arrive, :lol: ) so yeah lol.
that's just common spammer practice. they send out automated emails to your email host or your domain to scare people and make them reply. that way they know this email address is real.

annoying as hell but nothing you can do about it. once we tried to hunt one fucker down and hack that bastard but it's just too time wasting and you get nothing in return for it. that was before all those new anti-hacking laws ;-)
It could be a fishing attempt. Was a link included in the mail? Anyway you should report this to ebay and change your password at least.