What the Hell happened to touring?


Neuroses Facilitator
What's the deal? The only time Nevermore came through was opening (what the Hell was that about, also?) for Dimmu Hamburger, playing a set that was less than an hour! I didn't even get to see it, as it sold out before I got there. So...has anyone heard what Nevermore is up to? More touring, or back in the studio for another album? If they don't tour anymore for "Enemies...", then I will be extremely bummed! I have seen them many times since "Dreaming Neon Black" (their best!) and they are awesome live!!

The thought of no more tour makes me go :Puke:
i hope so, but they should still post at least an update about touring plans on their site. they threw the "major tour announcement this week" hype out there back in april. it's now june and they havent spoken of it. if something is in the works but they dont want to reveal the details, fine, but they should at least say "we're currently working on a north american tour for the summer. if we get it, it will start in mid july etc etc.."
it makes me so sad when people make threads asking questions when there are threads answering their questions elsewhere on the forum

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that I made you sad. :cry: I didn't mean to disrupt the peaceful tranquility of the Nevermore forum with a 'gasp'- question! Oh my Lord, what have I done?!! I thought this might be the place to ask the question, you know, about Nevermore, but I guess I made a mistake. You may go back to sleep now.
Walter_Langkowski said:
Oh, I'm sorry to hear that I made you sad. :cry: I didn't mean to disrupt the peaceful tranquility of the Nevermore forum with a 'gasp'- question! Oh my Lord, what have I done?!! I thought this might be the place to ask the question, you know, about Nevermore, but I guess I made a mistake. You may go back to sleep now.

No, there arent any 'answers' in the forum. Nothing is official anyways, so it would be cool if the band posted a quick update.
Walter_Langkowski said:
Oh, I'm sorry to hear that I made you sad. :cry: I didn't mean to disrupt the peaceful tranquility of the Nevermore forum with a 'gasp'- question! Oh my Lord, what have I done?!! I thought this might be the place to ask the question, you know, about Nevermore, but I guess I made a mistake. You may go back to sleep now.

now back to listening to the regualr posters on this board instead of the one time posters that are only posting cause their bored on a sunday afternoon and no o