What the hell is Nevermore doing?


Martriden K
Jan 8, 2004
Spokane WA.
Are they touring right now? When are they coming back to the US! I haven't heard shit about what they've been up to lately. Since the tour with CoB, Hypocrisy, and Dimmu Borgir.

somebody please fill me in.
NicodemiX said:
Warrel is drinking vodka and sharing it with Jim. Van is playing bagpipes at the celtic faire and Jeff... well who cares about Jeff?

jeff is masturbating and eating popcorn...

hehehehe... why'd he tell us that? hahaha
Van is playing bagpipes at the celtic faire
Really? now i really need to go..LOLOLOL! :p
Jeff is at home stroking his pussy.....

his cats of course!!

but seriously Nevermore isnt doing alot right now...there was word about a video shoot but...i dunno...
Warrel is whacking off to Fruit of the Loomis
Jeff is whacking off to Van's kilt
Van is whacking off to Jeff whacking off
Jim is watching, laughing, and getting wasted
Steve is wondering what the fuck is going on, as he works with Dragonlord and Testament

question answered