What the hell is the NYDM's problem?

i believe he is replying to some lame threat attempt that was posted on Arghoslents site.
Will Rahmer (the Mortician guy) is a Jew, so I am sure he doesn't take to kindly to songs like Hereditary Tain and The Ten Lost Tribes, or Arghoslent's general racist/anti-Semitic viewpoint for that matter.
I posted a similar thread on another forum. Will Rahmer's threats are empty threats, because they say if Arghoslent ever step foot in the tri-state area, to expect retaliation, and they also say they will send VADM (I'm guessing that means Virginia Death Metal) to the members homes to stop their "internet activites". Like they actually know where members of Arghoslent live.
This is the email they sent:

"You have crossed the line. Expect physical retaliation if you set foot within the tri-state area. We dont like our bands or affiliates to be bothered with. We have sat back and watched your bogus internet activities for quite some time. Either they cease immediately or we send VADM members to your home in Va. to address you personally. Dont say you havent been warned."
From NY DM newyorkdeathmilitia@yahoo.com