What to buy for $1000 USD - Preamp or 2 Buss Compressor?


Apr 25, 2012
Boston, MA
Looking for either a 1073 clone (maybe modded chamelon or golden age) or a decent 2 buss compressor (the prime ones seem nice). i have plenty of preamps for recording drums but i would like a nice one for guitars and vocals. dont have any outboard gear of any kind but have been GAS'ing for a 2 buss compressor for a while now.

Im not saying an outboard compressor isnt a good buy, im also not saying a plugin is better or as good, but you can get compressor plugins. A high end preamp would be more important to me if i didnt have a go to signal chain.
I'd say invest in your front end first, so get a good preamp.
My BAE 1073MP changed my recording tone of everything I put through it significantly (the slightly driven tone is pure awesomeness), while I probably would not be able to pass a blind test between a plugin 2 bus compressor like the Waves SSL and my 3xStereo GSSL hardware.
What preamps do you already have?

Right now I have a steinberg ur824 and a behringer ada8200. The steinberg pres are surprisingly good and I feel like this setup works fine for drums. Just looking to get something higher end for guitar/vocals.

I do like the software compressors I have used but it seems like hardware always has the more 3d sound I am after. I like the samples of the prime ssl clones I have heard. . Anything else worth considering in the $1000-1500 range?
i have never used the ada8000 so i cant compare but they sound plenty good for what i use them for (room, spot mics, ambient etc.)
If you can get a Smart, they're amazing. Have a C2 that sees duty on kick and snare going to tape, then on the mix
well in typically moronic GAS fashion, my budget quadrupled and i bought both. smart c2 on the way and a lunchbox loaded with GA pre 73s and CAPI vp312s.
Lol I think xmas presents are going to be a little shitty this year

Please tell me you have kids.

"Sorry timmy, We couldn't afford that new bike. But I really think you'll enjoy those rolled up socks in that shoebox you just opened, and this can of condensed bean and bacon soup. Now if you'll excuse me, I gotta go compress a snare drum, you ungrateful little shit!"