What Vehemence song would you like to see a chic strip to?


I am one sick fuck
Oct 28, 2001
Dallas, TX U.S.A.

Seriously, nothing tops that. A few other good ones would be "You don't have to be afraid anymore" and "Made for her jesus".:loco:

So which song would you like to see a chic strip too??????
Kill For God for sure I was just at the strippers last night and the closest to metal that was played was system of a down and drowning pool but whatever its not like you go for the music.
Yeah, we could have done better. Lisa aka "Pamela" the Porn star would be down. lol Anyone see her at the Vital Remains show? Yeah I think Jeremiah from Red Tear Memory has that whole show on tape, along with Nathan's funny comments. I have it recorded on mp3.. but the quality sucks major ass.
Dude you dont want to see those 2 dancin'.
They were some damn nasty sluts...& now Vanessas married to the CoF Keyboardist...that still makes me laugh.

John I didnt think they danced at the show I video taped though, & if they did I certainly didnt video one second of them.

Whore Cunt Die is still the best VEHE song for a chick to dance to though.
a side note

i saw a girl strip to fade to black.. that was some depressing shit.. ahahaha
There was a stripper dancing to Morbid Angel's Sworn to Black song on this film, check it out. But I thought Return of the The Living Dead 3 was better.

