What was your first band T-shirt?

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a Metallica shirt. I only got it 2 years after i was into metal because i didnt have a credit card to buy on the internet, and there werent any metal store where i lived.

And the most recent was a Thyrfing one.
It's not my first band shirt, but I still have a concert t-shirt from Ozzie's Ultimate Sin tour. It just goes to show that old metal doesn't die - and neither do their shirts. :)
Talking about band shirts this "Piece Of Mind" shirt thats up for bids, was my first metal shirt, I have a pickture of it and the "Piece Of Mind Scarf W.T 83" I just can't get it out of, my picktures, can anyone help, thanx in advance.

cheers:kickass: maiden1

PS: Good topic Ray.
a Metallica shirt. I only got it 2 years after i was into metal because i didnt have a credit card to buy on the internet, and there werent any metal store where i lived.

And the most recent was a Thyrfing one.

I'm trying to get a Satyricon Dark Medieval Times custom shirt made now.

Derek, I applaud you for your honesty.
Thanks, it's in my closet, it's a shirt I'll always remember as it is of a band that was a gateway to death and black metal.
cheers Ray, the only reason i'm getting rid, is because its to small for me, has been for the past 20odd years. The scarf is a big throw-in, don't ask why i did it, but wots done is done, i do have a "PIECE OF MIND 83 STUDDED WRIST BAND" "PIECE OF MIND W.T 83 PATCH'S/BADGES" but they stay, sorry guys.

:kickass:Cheers lads, maiden1
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