What Will Tully's Next Plan Be???

Tully will next want to become a:

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Reign in Acai said:
One time as a kid, I intentionally stepped on a spider right in front of a Buddhist . The end result was him shooing me off with a broom.

Years after he tried to run me over with his datsun pick up truck. Zen my ass!!! :mad:


Probobly not a Zen Buddhist, I would guess Tibetan, but still funny.
lizard said:
That's ONE of the reasons I don't w,t to live in the south, there's more and bigger bugs
where I a now, there are carpenter's (sowbugs to you non Newf's I think?) all over the place and it grosses me out.... there also these hardshell flying shits that I nicknamed "stone skins' during my Diablo 2 days:kickass: My hometown is being infested with queen ants which is kindof funny

+ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CL2hetqpfg = Mega heebyjeebies.
Doomcifer said:
Coming from the chick who was afraid of a godamn potatobug on her pants. :lol::lol::lol:

:mad: I would like for you to know that those are the only things in which I fear! And what did I do when I was face to face with my fears? I went toe to toe with the supreme nightmare. Lesser men would of broke down. I've seen hero's, warriors, scholars, and thieves all go down to the brute force exhibited from this insect of the night. Did I let my past knowledge come to haunt me? Fuck no! I battled back through adversity, all while knowing that the statistics were not on my side. And when it was all said and done, and all the smoke was cleared from Krigloch's microwave, I was the one standing triumphantly on top of Mount Olympus. There I was, Man versus Satan's offspring. With the wind to my back, and glory as my shoal.
I'm mostly afraid of insects that are venomous and spiders.

Venomous because I don't want to die slowly or even just be in wrenching pain for a while. And Spiders because for about 10 years every fall and spring when they migrated in/out of our trailer, I'd be awoken many nights to spiders standing on my face or over my eyes and thats just freaky as fuck when you open your groggy eyes and see a spider rubbing its giant-looking fangs over your eye. They weren't even venemous, and only the side of the palm of my hand at the largest, but still scary.

The other insects don't bother me so much, as long as they don't touch my food (then it's just disgusting)
Brown recluse are the ones I fear the most. Evil fuckers as you can see:

Wikipedia said:
The serious bites form a necrotising ulcer that destroys soft tissue and may take months and very rarely years to heal, leaving deep scars. The damaged tissue will become gangrenous and eventually slough away. Initially there may be no pain from a bite, but over time the wound may grow to as large as 10 inches (25 cm) in extreme cases. Bites may take up to seven hours to cause visible damage; more serious systemic effects may occur before this time, as venom of any kind spreads throughout the body in minutes.
I knew a kid who got bitten by a brown recluse, he survived but it really really fucked him up for life. He was funny as hell though, great guy.

Also, I don't think this will ever work =( insects are megawickedgross.
Doomcifer said:


Actually, I shouldn't say that because he never said if he was always just a crazy eccentric/slightly uncoordinated dude, or if it was because of the spider bite. I always just figured it was, might not have been though.
i find most insects gross, with a few exceptions, especially if they're bigger than an inch or two long. i'm also just kinda grossed out by large quantities of insects. one beetle walking across the sidewalk: interesting. 50 beetles walking across the sidewalk: jump ten feet in the air.

spiders, on the other hand, don't gross me out at all but i still tend to scoop them out a window or squish them when i see them in my room. i get spider bites once in a while and it's just like a mosquito bite x3, not too bad but still annoying as hell.
Krigloch the Furry-ass said:
I fucking hate spiders! actually I hate all bugs. pure hatred. ugh, just nasty!

so wait, how big are spiders way up north in canada?
Its too cold where I live, so the biggest I have seen was one of those ones that you can crush with a lego