What will women look like 10 years from now?!?

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
It seems like the evolutionary scale of women has been rocketing towards the cosmos at the speed of sound. What was once a 10 in 1970 would not even hit the scale at 6 in today's competitive meat marketplace.

Excuse me for hotlinking, right click, copy and paste in web browser if ye must.

1970 Playmate of the Year


Here we have a typical Jackie Oh'nasssassass doppleganger perched upon a 68 Chevy Challenger with nothing but her furry beaver that runs up to her tailbone, acting as a sole absorbant. Angela Dorian, a woman of natural beauty.

Flash Forward ten years to 1980...


Young Dorothy Straten of small town Eeyore North Dakota. Turn ons include bunnies, the Ramones, and men who take charge. The past ten years have provided women with the timely lesson that it's a good idea to lather, rinse, repeat. "Always" pre-wings are soon introduced in to feminine circles nationwide.

Moving along to 1990...

Ahhh fuck this, I'll continue this post later, I'm going to bed.

Its easy, just look at the new barbie/ bratz that are avilable in toy stores...
I remember having barbies when I was 6 years old, and they were all "sporty elegant"
nowadays, you get the clubbing/ street outfits and the sluty look.
some might argue that the sluty look is better than the elegant one, but what do I know.
The sluttiness has to hit the roof sooner of later, and then we will have a return of the demure, dignified and mysterious type of woman! Men will tread warily and act politly when meeting these haughty creatures.


I can hardly wait :hotjump:
I hope women go back to being sophisticated. Im really tired of looking at the same girl 100 times in the mall or on the street or anywhere really. They all look exactly the same. Fake. Of course they may look better on the outside but as soon as you date them for awhile or marry them they all balloon into hefers and hate you for the fact that you still like video games and football.