What will women look like 10 years from now?!?

Hopefully back to something more along these lines:


Though we're probably devolving back to no clothes at all. Not that there's anything wrong with that...
The funny thing is, if one of these "fake" women actually ever deemed to talk to one the many opponents we have here, it would probably make them cream their pants so fast...
No Ive had my fair share of hot girls and my fair share of blow job hefers. Either way they are all trying to be something they are not. Hot girls always have attitudes and fat chicks wanna be the hot girls so they always are fake and try to impress harder therefore losing who they are as a person. Im not married. Ive dated loads of girls and even the one Im with now who Ive been with for 3 years and love to death...I cant stand . Shes got a great ass and nice legs and a beautiful smile and shes pretty thin and shes reall smart , but she never shuts up is always asking me for favors constantly and wants to sit and watch tv all day when i wanna go do stuff. They are all the same. Im getting ready to move back to Oklahoma and shes staying here in New Mexico and she wants to stay together and move out when shes done with school ( college). Considering this is probably the best relationship ive ever had Im still kinda thinking about maybe just calling the whole thing off even though she wants to get married. Ehhhhhh I hate women. Im just tired of always having to be an errand boy and favor boy and listening to bitching. They all do this so I guess you just pick the one you can handle the most. Maybe this one is mine.
They all do this so I guess you just pick the one you can handle the most. Maybe this one is mine.
seems like quite the wrong attitude imo, i'd be happier single forever than stuck with some bitch i can barely handle...bitches ain't shit nignog
Come on and jump out of that closet already, your hints are sailing way over the heads of everyone else in this room.
It's ok, we don't judge here.
Whatever dude if you only knew. Ive just had some bad experiences. Any guy who thinks not all woman are maipulative and lying just hasnt been with one long enough. I rather end my own life then be gay. The " we dont judge here " thing was funny.
dill_the_devil said:
What are you, a 15 year old emo kid? Seriously dude, you don't know shit.

So you are saying that based on every experience Ive ever had and what Ive run into makes me not know shit?? And no Im not 15, Im 24. And I hate emo. Dude youre fucking younger than I am by 2 years. Women always want something in the end, they manipulate to get what they want. If youve been around the girls Ive been around and their mothers and the way ive seen women just completely break men down into shadows of their former selves then maybe youd understand what I am talking about and until then I dont think its relevant to say my opinion is shit. Hence the word opinion as in my views. This last generation of girls are being raised by a generation of women who went through the womens liberation movement and basically want to be men or be as powerfull as a man and try to make us feel bad for things that weve never done to them. I live with one, Ive dated several , and been friends with many. This generation of women is mostly fucked in the head and confused. Most women have this new found power of not having to stay at home, go out and work and have a say so and they really dont know what to do with it but go on a power trip and make everyone feel that wrath.
This last generation of girls are being raised by a generation of women who went through the womens liberation movement and basically want to be men or be as powerfull as a man and try to make us feel bad for things that weve never done to them.

Hi, I was born in 1981, nice to meet you !
So this will be my first and last post for you because I don't want to feel responsible for any feeling of suddenly (?) castration which could make you becoming gay (OMG imagine what a nightmare it would be !)

[/Danalieshk, whose aim in life is to be a man. everlostindeadeternity, to be precise. yes, an ideal... *sigh*]
so, there is this thin spanish chic at the bank ... that I always exchanged weird glances with over the last 6 months or so ... and today she just totally giggled and flirted with me, blatantly ... this shit is just uncalled for when you have a girlfriend.
these are the times when i believe there is a God ... and he is just totally fucking with me ... because it never happens when I am single.