What would be the best feeling in the world?

Originally posted by Silent Downfall 2
tightly embraced by the one you love.

This is the truest statement. I'd give anything for that right now :)

Originally posted by metalmancpa
Under the covers with satin sheets and many blankets, cuddling with your significant other

Same as above, again, I'd do anything for that. This thread is already making me miss her more :(
Originally posted by Pancakes
I'll have you know that death's embrace is lukewarm.
:lol: :lol:

For me, it would have to be in the arms of the woman I love. I haven't ever experienced this, but I doubt anything could beat it. Runners-up: playing in front of a huge crowd; captaining England at Wembley.
Everyone basiclly posted the same thing...Have you no idea what it might feel like to be in a bus touring Europe, the USA, playing gig after gig, infront of thousands of people. Thousands of people who hang on your every word, your every guitar lick. Then having them all chant your bands name as you come out to play your encore. Only to get on the bus, goto another city, and play another show. FUCK man, Id fucking sell my soul, and my heart away to do that for the better part of my young/middle aged life. Fuck love with a woman, being on the road is true love, watching the faces of the kids in the crowd while u rip that solo, is love, feeling that unconditional love from the audience, is true love. I can go on and on. Im sorry I have been in love, and I have been held by the one I loved most in this world, as wonderful as it was, it fucking PALES GREATLY in comparison with playing a show, rocking out, and getting into the soul, heart, and mind of each and every person at the gig. Its what I live for, and a slong as I have that, women can go choke on big black cock for all I care.
The best feeling I've encounterd so far is playing my guitar infront of a few hundred people (have played infront of several thousand, but that was in a backing band of about 20 people, with a choir of 200, so didn't really feel the same).
That is just the biggest buzz, and one of the few places I feel truly comfotable (which is odd, because in any other situation I'd hate being around people, especially if they were all looking at me)
youre all wrong. i have just HAD the best feeling in the world in my lunch break...


I know the best feeling i could ever have. Rather experience, it would be the best experience.... I would be on a beach, somewhere in a war. There are bullets flying by my ears, i can feel them making cuts against my flesh as they whiz by. I run up the beach against impossible odds, and there is one man who needs to die to end this war. I am the sniper they sent in.
I finally find high ground, and get my shot in sight. i see him, and pray to God to have mercy on his soul as i take aim...and then i send him to God.

This may sound a bit disturbing, but it isnt so much killing a man. and actually i dont evr want to have to kill a man, but it is more about ending the war and making all those people happy.
Being rejoiced as the man who ended the war.... I find that elating.