what would make you listen to the atation more?

Once the website is tweaked a little more, I'm sure you'll attract even more visitors/listeners. It was kind of weird to see a "white" colored metal page, most of them are pitch black. But I'm nagging, people should really just listen and then judge whether they keep coming back.
yeah man i actually have a reason for all of that i am so anti-tr00.you nailed it everyone has a black page with spikes and norweigan flags and 7,000 pentagrams,
im not out to try and prove to anyone whom is metal dude im trying to play some music for people.
if i could afford my own domain and web hosting then i would redpo the page for sure but untill then im kinda stuck with what i have though i think vanessa does an amazing job with what she has i know for a fact if we let her go crazy on a blank page and build up from the bottom it would smoke fucking ass!
What would make me listen more you ask? I'd say for starters there's certain bands that need to be removed from the playlist. Namely shit like Slipknot, fucking gay ass Sum 41, and Stuck Mojo! Come on man I don't think any of us want to hear rap metal stuff like Stuck Mojo.

In addition to that I'd say add more unknown artists to the playlist. Having a few commerical artists is a good idea, but it seems to me the whole playlist is like this. At least whenever I tune in I've been hearing this stuff. I'm not saying be ultra true and just add bands 10 people in the world know, but I mean when I'm hearing stuff that I can find at Wal-Mart thats not a good thing. I think the beauty of an online radio is giving exposure to some highly talented bands but then again most of the talented ones are the ones no one knows. Thats what I try to do with my radio at least. And yes there are some more commerical and well known bands in my radio, but I keep it to a minimum.

The other thing is why only four hours of music? I'm not sure what bitrate your using, but for mine I have it at 56K and I'm able to get a good 12 hours worth of music into mine. I'd say use all the space you have and then update your playlist once a month with all new bands, songs, albums, and what have ya.

I wouldn't worry about people not listening to your radio though. You've got the End records sponsoring you guys and you've got a forum here on ultimate metal. So you should be all good.

Well yeah you can say fuck off to me now, but I just thought I'd express some of my thoughts.
well im certainly not going to tell you to fuck off by any means everything you said is a good point and well taken.
now i will try to explain some pf the points.
1.underground bands-
working on it as we speak,this is something i am going to impliment quite a bit i already have played some killer underground bands like the fifth sun,solice denied,enforsaken,warmachine etc.....

2.slipknot and stuck mojo-
actually 2 reasons for this reason number one responce,just wanted to see what happened see who said what and sum 41has been the highest rated song since the day i put it on slipknot got 0 rating and mojo is doing terrible so its outa here.reason 2 to show rapture is diverce,hell i just added some power metal(shoot me now!)and reason number 3 honestly to show that im going to play whatever i want really im not scared of running people off.i do want listeners i want more listners than anyone else.

3.why only 4 hours of music?
im working on this right now im going to bump it quite a bit just for giggles and add some more commentery.i actually update like3 times a week i check my ratings see whats rocking and whats not then i chunk the weak shit.

blackwinged i love your site and i was sad to see that you were not here more often after i thought we had hit it off so well at the end forum,thanks so much for your imput i seriously respct anything that you say and please feel welcome here anytime.

as for the end records and ultimate metal stuff.
my main goal with the people i work with is to be family andreas has treated me like an equal since the day i met him 3 years ago and has always been nothing but right there when i needed him.he has been awesome and i would do anything for him and the end records,alot of people were apparently upset because he chose to sponsor me,but he only chose that because i asked it of him.he has made some suggestions (get a domain,a new website etc....)and i am doing those things.im sure he could have picked a thousandf other sites that whip my ass to pieces but rapture is about family.everyone that works at rapture and everyone who listens in my opinion is family!
Just my two cents on this subject:

No nu-metal. Thank you. :)

As for diversity: add power metal, thrash metal, some black, gothic and doom metal. A great diversity of genres will attract potential future listeners.

The playlist is being done pretty well, nothing to complain here.
wesjaques said:
average listning time at the station per person is about 20 minutes and im completly cool with that but the rotation actually last almost 4 hours so what would make you listen longer there is a ton of great music and monologues what would make you stay longer?

Well, I have been listening to Rapture now for several occasions... Really a good initiative and something I have been missing! But there are some things preventing me from listening more than i do...

- First of all. 4 hours of music is ok, but not even nearly enough imo. The first 4 times i played Rapture Radio, I heard "Caught in a web" all 4 times, "Tyrants" 3 times and "Kneel to the Cross" 3 times... With several thousands of songs the station would be to much more use for me!

- I also think the genres vary too much for my taste... I know, there wouldn't be many listeners if the music was narrowed down to perhaps only "black-death"-radio, but like someone else mentions I think NU-metal is VERY out of place (power metal too... you asked for it :) )
I saw this station as an opportunity to get to know new bands, and I could see that many of the bands played were exactly my taste, so I thought I might find some new stuff. Well, there ain't that much underground music in the playlist, so everytime a song is played that fits my taste (black, death, doom, viking, gothic, pagan, folk etc...) then it's a song I already have in my record collection. And then I might as well start a mega-shuffle on my computer... More underground music would definately be appreciated by me!

- Lastly, I don't really care about the monologues (sorry)... Ok, I don't mind them, but tend to hit the mute button and switch to CD-player, when listening to a 10 minute monologue...

This was not supposed to be an all negative reply :) Just some thoughts on how to improve the station, because I will definately not leave now! Looking very much forward to future improvements!!!

hey thanks for the reply!
yesterday i started diging in my undergreound cd stack (that actually means i opened a droor full of a million cd's i dont keep track of!?)and whipped out a few cd's to play .....lets see here
life at zero
the destro
dai lo
ghost orgy
thats a few i will start with.
i am actually very suprised that people are unhappy with the time length i thought for sure no onwe is going to listen fo 4 hours (i will fix that reitition of songs righ now i know exactly why it is doing that!).
the show is up to 5 hours now and i am still adding songs.i am also very suprised at the attention payed to the underground music i will do the best i can i have a decent amount of stuff to play and i the staff at rapture and i are promoting our asses off to get bands to send their demos to play.
as for the monologues 3 minutes is the longest mono time that will ever happen and usually under minute.we did however recrd the first rapture report (a metal news segment)yesterday it is 3 minutes long.
the mono's get semi high ratingsa and they are meant to make rapture feel more like a station not just some guy spinning cd's.
but fuck overall thanks for listning!!!!!

Sounds great!!! Looking forward to listening to some underground metal!!! And I must say I admire the work and effort you put in this. If you keep the spirit up, even though you don't think you get enough credit in emails, on this board etc. it will develop for sure, and soon people will be flooding the board! :)

man i appreciate every single person who listens!and i apologise for not maiking it more clear that underground music is important to rapture.i would say 75% of our emails are going to bands trying to get them to send us cd's to play we want to be an important part of the underground scene but at the smae time we do not intend to become exclusivly underground.someone mentioned about us playing songs you can get at wal mart.that is something i think of alot and i live in oklahoma city somewhere where metal is completly impossible to find and i know i actually have it good,this astation is for thos who live in the middle of nowhere and have never even heard of gorgasim as much as it is for the hardcore listner who owns all of takke's albums and the satinel demo.
i will play alot of sighned bands because as widespread as it is alot of people have never wandered far enough from their "groups" path to check anything else at and believe it or not there are some people who have never heard in flames you know?
i have a goal with this and it is to make a station everyone can get into the people who want to hear cradle of filth 24 hours a day as well as those looking for a good underground band.
with 3,000 cd's and growing this should be possible!
thanks for the support!