All I am looking for is some honestly,Why the White hot Hatred?

Yes I cannot type for shit yes my spelling blows yes I have made myself unpopular over time with my bluntly honest opinions on things but what does this have to do with the music we play and why are people not flocking here like they do the 19 stations above Rapture I just saw a post about a station 3 weeks old that have 600+ prestes that is double what we have.
I try to be very informative in the newsletters and positive towards everyone offering prizes for listning and playing all request I get I keep the playlist completly fresh and nothing is happening.
So all I am asking is what is wrong with Rapture why is it not climbing the charts faster?I know it is not because the music sucks because it is all rated very highly as is the station itself,So what is it why is this forum so dead?
Listen this station belongs to you the listners help me please fix it!