all I am looking for is some answers.......

Honestly can someone without stepping on anyone's toes answer a few questions for me?
1.Why is it people will act increadble excited about Rapture and take no action towards it?,Is there something I am missing is it hard to listen to or does it just suck?

2.Is there something about me or Rapture that conjures up unfufilled promises?,This is something that has been happening to me ever since I entered this scene.When I was a writer I swore to review everything I recieved and did so and now as Rapture guy i swear to play anything I receive as long as it is heavy,Why is it that when a abnd gets played on Rapture they dont have people listning?

3.Why is it people do not lap this station up?
I started this tyhinking man OK is dying for metal radio and though OKC has a decent audiance why is it not freaking out?

4.Why is it this board is dead,dead,dead?What am I doing incorrectly?

Fact is we are having ther biggest month ever do not think the station is not doing well but there are things I do not understand and wonder how can I fix them?

To answer your questions...

1. I don't like It took me forever to figure out how to get it to work on my computer. Eventually, I figured out that I had to use winamp to play Rapture Radio instead of the Live365 player. Also, 56kb quality isn't very high. Rapture Radio doesn't suck, it's just that metalheads are the hardest to please, because we all like different things and are usually pretty closed minded. If we hear something that sounds too trendy (hate to say it) we get fed up, you know what I am saying?

2. Unfulfilled promises...I don't know...I said I would make station ID's and I did, I even sent you a theme song (did you ever get it??? I haven't heard back from you), people are busy, you can't expect them to go out of their way. One thing I've learned in life is to expect nothing, and you will never be let down. People will catch on to your ways, and eventually not do things because you want them to, but because they want to help you out. Until then, don't rely on other people, unfulfilled promises are just a part of life.

3. People don't lap up the station because its not at the top. Your struggle to get to number one is long and hard. Why would someone listen to Rapture Radio when they can listen to the number one radio station? If I didn't know Rapture Radio was a good station, and I was browsing, I would listen to the top few stations, because if they are at the top, they are probably the best, and the most professional. But they had to start somewhere too, even if its at the bottom.

4. The board is dead because people don't know what to post new threads about. And if we do, we don't always find it "worthy" of posting an entire new thread about. I'd like to put my website up on the board, and some links to some MP3's or something, to start a new thread promoting my band, but I'd feel kind of like...its not that know? Maybe its just me.

I think the site looks a little unprofessional, as does this message board. I know you're not into image, which is great, and I think that makes you a better person, but you have to realize...most people ARE into image, so you can't make a red and gray website and expect people to think that this a serious, professional "metal" station.

Narrow your selection of music down a bit more. "Metal" alone seems like such a broad term. Maybe go for... "extreme metal" or something. I know that your radio station has a lot of variety, and that's great, but along with variety comes a lot of types of metal that I don't like (ie hardcore, metalcore). I don't know...this one is a little iffy, just a suggestion I'm throwing out there. I'd like to be able to put on Rapture Radio and have a pretty good idea of what it is I'd be listening to, so that if I'm in the mood metal...I could turn on Rapture Radio, and hope to hear some good black metal... Maybe its just me..

Get your site linked on other sites...promote like mad... Make flyers and stand outside of concerts in the OKC area and pass them out...just spread the word...I'll put a link on my band site. I'm surprised I didn't think to do that already... Damn, I'm good.

For the love of God, put the link to the forum on the main menu of the website!

Update the site often, at least 2-3 times a week. It gives people more of a reason to go to the forum, and also, to listen to the radio station.

That's all I can think of!
thanks for the suggestions dude!
Yes Thanlks so much for the ID'S they rule and continue to get good ratings and Diadem son as well has not gone one day without a 5 star rating!
Promotion is something we have spent a amultitude of hours on we have passed out a amillion flyers and continue to do so and man we have snt banners and link-up's to everyone under the sun.
as fas as the website goes i have asked the webdesighner to add forum on the main page like 3 times and it does not seem to get done he is very busy.
eh fuck i just dont get it really it is doing so well and so bad at the same time it would literally take 10 people to listen 24/7 to get us to number 1 and i dont think that is a hard thing to do.we avrage over 20 listners a day but only for short periods of time.
eh i dont know i will continue to try the best i can
Only suggestions I have is to update tha reviews section and more interviews and such. Oh and dont take hardcore and metalcore off... I mean if you dont consider hardcore and metalcore extreme STOP LISTENING TO POISON THA WELL AND ATREYU!!! (nothing against either bands cuz they both rawk ass!) lol... cuz alot of hardcore bands put out more extreme and heavy music than 80% of tha death and blackmetal out there (i.e. Tha Black Dahlia Murder, From A Second Story Window, Between Tha Buried and Me, Age of Ruin, The End, The Dillenger Escape Plan, Premonitions of War). There is a reason grindcore has "core" at tha end.... SO LEAVE THA CORE!!! You could add more local artists. I mean there are some OK bands that need to be heard and get tha word out that heavy local acts get played they will listen. Just got to pick bands who's friends have computers... haha. I've started a couple of threads trying to get people talking and it's either one or two people are tha only ones who say anything or no one does.... but I'll continue to make new threads... regardless if anyone reply's. I think you are doing an awesome job as far as tha station goes. You are doing just about all you yourself can do. ..but thats all just my thoughts.
Dude it should be imperative everyone knows i support the underground with all force!I play an exuberant amount of unsighned and local acts man just from Oklahoma we have had Skullpl8,Blunt Force Trauma,Down for 5,Second flesh and I am still awaiting releases from Vordak,Spinefed,Exitium oh and i forgot Self Inflicted!
There are lets see,Take as neded,Betrayer,Warmachine,Fireign,Evil Silence and I think a few others playing right now ALL unsighned bands!I will play anything a band will send as long as it is heavy!
As for the Hardcore music sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaat bizatch!I love the hardcore and i agree with you I think alot of the core shit right now is a ton heavier than alot of the death bands i have a ton of it and always keep it in the mix!
Black Daliah,Every time I die,Zao(this is questionable hardcore) and a few others are playing now! I wish i had a more extensive catalogue of hardcore to be honest however i do try and keep Earth Crisis,Hatebreed,Morning Again,and as many as i can in the rotation!
I think you are right I have just about peaked with what I can do myself and without hewlp from others all i can do is continue to try and do my best.I hope some people start beleiveing in what we do here and decide to help out!
By the way dude I need a copy of the Kataklysm flier with the rapture logo on it so i can post it on the page!
hmmm... I dont even think I have a kataklysm flyer. I think there is one up on exitium's website though. Yeh I've been waiting on tha Exitium cd for a long fucking time!! Need to hook you up with Disjointed's demo as well. That shit needs to be played... oh so fucking awesome!
I'm out of blank cds but hook me up with your addy and once I get paid I'll go pick up some cds then hook you up with enough hardcore and metalcore to make you go by a pair of tha tightest jeans you can find and start shopping for t-shirts in tha lil boy section at Wal Mart.
a job tha pays nothing... hmmmm. sounds good to me!!! Hardcore Man!! I could wear a cape and everything!! lol... I'll be at tha show tomarrow night.. we can talk there. Sorry but I'm really weird about phones... I dont like talking on them unless I've met tha person I'm talking to first. I'm not even gonna begin to tell you my sociopathic reasons... lol.