What would you do if you become deaf?

why are you going deaf? and what does this have to do with with non-metal music?
I'd either suicide or be depressed for a really long time. Seriously, music is such a huge part of my life that I don't know how I could handle not being able to hear shit anymore. The only comfort for me would be the fact that I would never have to hear Nickelback ever again for the rest of my life.
I would be really sad and experience utter depression and unhappiness. I would still go to concerts and clubs because I could still feel the loudness of the music throughout my torso and legs.
I'd deff suicide, but before would take out a bunch of people. Ofcourse not random people.
Wow. Music is a huge part of my life, but I honestly think I could find something to fill that void. T'would suck, though.