What would you do if you become deaf?

sell all my CDs, go around with a whiteboard so people can write wtf they are saying, always watch movies with subtitles, and id still play a lot of videogames, drink a lot and fuck a lot.
I'd create my own genre of music called Deaf Metal and get people like ObscureInfinity and Velocibrad to hail my music as the most creative and artful masterpiece of our generation.
I'd become a mute actor.

I'd probably go a bit mad and dig up recently buried people to steal their ears and try and transplant them to myself or something. Or just spend all day with loads of electronics books and a soldering iron trying to make an artificial ear on my own. Or a bit of both.
I'd probably go a bit mad and dig up recently buried people to steal their ears and try and transplant them to myself or something. Or just spend all day with loads of electronics books and a soldering iron trying to make an artificial ear on my own. Or a bit of both.

Really? I would just fuck your mother.

Onder is like immune to harsh. If he went to Antarctica he wouldn't give a fuck about the cold, he'd just walk around naked because he's a hundred times tougher than anyone. He could fuck a shark in the teeth and not even get scratched.
Onder is like immune to harsh. If he went to Antarctica he wouldn't give a fuck about the cold, he'd just walk around naked because he's a hundred times tougher than anyone. He could fuck a shark in the teeth and not even get scratched.

I'm not actually tough tbh, quite the opposite. Internet blends my personality. Although I had a dream tonight that I was enslaved by a huge violent guy who kept slashing me with a barbed wire and slept naked next to me and I still thought that was kinda cool.

I had hands covered with blood and, well, they didn't look like hands at all anymore, but the guy never wanted to rape me or anything, one night he just pulled his dick out and was like, hey man, I don't feel good. Can I masturbate for a while, would you excuse me? And he just let me go. For the first time he let me go totally ruined and violated by him, without any control of where I went, he just knew I'd come back.