What would you do ? (untight project)


Aug 4, 2009
Ireland - Denmark
Well here is the deal.. I have received the tracks for a EP im mixing, and they sounds good.

Buut.. they tracked the drums to a click, but then forgot to write down the BPM for the songs and then tracked the guitars to the unedited drums.

So im stuck with no clear guide lines as what the tempo was set to or time signatures and the other instruments is tracked only to the unedited drums.

So how would you approach this issue ?
I have tried to tap tempo it, but I have trouble figuring out the correct one

(oh inb4Retrack everything :p)
If it sounds good leave it. IMHO unless is sounds like it needs to be fixed, don't fix it. 'cause you can' is not reason enough sometimes. I know a few guys on here will work with nothing less than machine tight and that works for them well, but it is their style and it may not suite yours. If there are parts here and there than need attention, then just fix those bits and leave the rest. Again just my 2 cents.
It's easy enough to figure out tempos and time signatures used through the song. Take 15 minutes to set up your grid and move anything that's drastically off.
Not the ideal situation but will be worth the effort.
AudioGeekZine. yeah thats what im doing now, its just a bit out of my comfort zone.

Oh well gotta learn the hard way to overcome some of the obstacles you may encounter in this line of work :p.
how the hell did they get to that piont?
who the fuck tracks guitars to drums only????
nah, i can already tell it's one of those bands that want to sound "live" so they track as if they are on stage...

anyway, can't you just ask them? because if they have a lot of tempo/time sig changes it can be a bitch to figure it out, not to mention that's it's not your job!
once again, a lovely opportunity to test cubase 6's tempo recognition software...