What would've happened if Eric Carr didn't die?

TRrEiTxIxRiE DTrash

New Metal Member
Apr 14, 2001
What do you think would've happened to Kiss?

Would they have still done a reunion tour? If so, would they have kicked out Eric to get Peter back or would they have just got Ace back and put Eric back in his fox makeup?

Personally I don't think they would've kicked out Eric Carr. As money hungry as they are, they adored Eric Carr and have never said a bad word about him. They liked him alot better than Peter Criss, and most of the fans do too, and he was in the band longer than Peter was.

So to me, the only question is whether or not the makeup would've gone back on in '96. It probably would've but I'd say it would've been the fox instead of the catman and it would've benn much better :)
Gene wanted to do a full make-up/reunion tour in '88 with Eric instead of Peter, but it never happened.

Regardless of Eric being a more talented musician and all round nicer guy than Peter, I think the nostalgia factor would have won out and we'd have seen the original lineup.

Paul said not long ago that if KISS were to do it all over again, Eric would have just worn the Catman makeup. I always thought the Fox design was *much* cooler.

They would have done a reunion tour and have fired Eric so fast it would make his head spin. Its all about the dollars with them.

Like Wrathy said, the nostalgia part wins out because THATS what the people would have wanted to see. Even if people are stupid :D
I f'king hate all forms of nostalgia.

I think the Fox makeup is MUCH better too. I remember reading that Paul said that and it was stupid. But his attitude seems to have changed alot since the mid-90s. On Kiss Konfidential he was like "We don't wanna live off our past, we're too proud of what we've become now" :lol: :lol: