Melbourne Kiss Fans Unite!

TRrEiTxIxRiE DTrash

New Metal Member
Apr 14, 2001
Saturday is a big Kiss party at ETs...

Cover band Disstroyer are playing their last gig, there is rare video footage on big screens, karaoke, competitions, etc....

Should be a fun night!

And if you can't make this one, there is another one on December 15th at the same place with Kissteria playing, they are Australia's best Kiss tribute band apparently... I've seen pictures from their shows, they look EXACTLY like Kiss, they have pyro and stuff in their shows, the Ace has a smoking guitar, the whole works, and their drummer is an Eric Carr rather than a Peter Criss which is also a bonus! Eric rocked!
But I can't. :cry:
Nothing much ever happens in Geelong, but there's a Metal Night at The Barwon Club this Saturday - so I MUST go.

I live in another state, but if I was in Melbourne I'd be there with bells on. It'd be the perfect excuse to get out of this fucking quiz night I have to go to :mad:.

Which version of the box set are you guys buying?

Oh my GOD. Quiz night. Just the name starts the nightmares again. I wake up in a pool of sweat screaming, with tears running down my face.....

"That was WRONG you cost us a point, just sit there and SHUT UP!"

So I do

"Well, what good are you? You havent got a clue have you, just sit there and dont give us any suggestions"

So I do

"Give me the piece of paper, I dont trust you to write it properly"

So I do

"Oh my god, you actually got one right, it must have been a fluke"

It wasnt, but im too scared at this point to do anything but sit there and be VERY quiet (and not because im hunting rabbits)

"God, if you are just going to sit there and not say anything, why are you here?"

Which makes me want to not ever go to trivia night again and stay home and listen to iced earth and play guitar instead.

So I do :D

Beware my friends, "quiz night" is just a euphamism for bloodbath. :)
Oh yeah, ill probably get the special edition one of the box set, hopefully it wont be stupendously expensive (but then again, genes in charge...........)
Aaahh, smug mode...

I'm actually quite good at quiz nights (single-handed, I got full marks for the music, movies and TV round at the last one I attended), but I always enjoy them a great deal less than I think I'm going to. The prizes are often useless too. What use is a bottle of wine to me for Gawd's sake?

The dreams never stop! Watch out for the stinging remarks in the trees! Oh my god, they are shooting venomous glances at me!........

Ok, ive gone too far :) You have to tell me how you went after you have gone Wrathchild :D
Originally posted by Wrathchild
According to Amazon, where it's available on pre-order, the deluxe version of the box set is roughly $200 American. Anybody have a clue how much this might be in Australian $$?


OUCH! Thats at *least* 400 bucks......Kiss ought to jump out from the box and play a song for that price..........maybe ill just get the regular version :)
:lol: What next, the KISS jack in the box set? You turn the handle, a nursery rhyme version of Rock n' Roll All Nite plays, and then a minature Gene Simmons pops out and takes all your money!

Looks like the regular version for me too I'm afraid. The deluxe one is for collectors and I'm certainly one of those, but $400 is just ridiculous. I care more about the music than overpriced bells and whistles, and I'm sure a lot of fans would feel the same way.

Yep, i agree, if the only difference is a hard case, I can live without it! :)

Fiddler on the green RULES! :)
Hey Trooper,
where is ET's...I am supposed to the going to the Tote but if is close by maybe i can squeeze both in on Saturday night.What time is it happening?

By the way,Kissteria are sensational!!
It starts at 6pm and goes all night I think. ETs is in High St, Prahran, The Tote is in Collingwood, they are both sort of inner suburbs near the city but Collingwood is just north of the city and Prahran is south/east.

Cool I can't wait to see Kissteria then in December!! But Disstroyer will be good enough for now :)