Woohooo another Kiss party!

TRrEiTxIxRiE DTrash

New Metal Member
Apr 14, 2001
Ok its ages away, not until Novemnber 2nd, but I'm excited all the same! It's at The Corner Hotel.

These all rule. I've been to the last 4 or 5... they used to be at ETs until it closed. Basically its a Kiss tribute band playing, karaoke, trivia, auctions, merchandise, video footage, competitions, etc.. and it rocks!!

There hasn't been one since late last year... well actually there was the Bruce Kulick show which was pretty much the same thing but with Bruce Kulick and Stand instead of a tribute band.

I hope I have a car by then so I can wear Vinnie Vincent makeup and not have to worry about catching public transport in it! :lol:

Someone should have a Maiden party, then they can hire a tribute band... and in true Maiden style they'll say they're gonna play but cancel and say it wasn't financially possible! :)
I love Kiss tribute bands. In alot of ways, there is more of the Kiss magic at those nights than at Kiss shows. Plus, the bands are huge fans themselves and you can really tell they're loving it. It's like seeing Kiss back in '74 or something hehe.