What you getting your girls/wives/slaves this christmas?


Celestial Recordings
May 17, 2010
North Wales, UK
Just sorting my list out tonight, kinda late huh?

Ah well, I got some shit sorted, having a big family to buy for its quit hard to get it all done .... mum, dad, 2 brothers, 1 sister with 5 kids, a brother in law, one of my brothers girlfriend, mums best friend? mums best friends daughters? mums best friends daughters boyfriends?! .... mums best friends, daughters, kid?!

Then on top of that I have my girlfriends mum to buy for, my girlfriends brother and his fiancee.

Lots of buying! I make most of my money from recording local bands demos, but its only a part time thing as I have college, girlfriend, family etc so its not lots to spend.

Anyway, what you getting your special lady this Christmas?
I don't have an idea yet, man. I was just asking myself this question, but I am broke as fuck and my daughter's surgery is in 6 days, so honestly, I don't know if I'll be able to buy her something :/

You know what? I hate this obligation to buy everyone xmas gifts. To my daughters and my wife, that's OK, but i am not buying anything anymore to my parents, sister and other not so close relatives probably ever.
I don't have an idea yet, man. I was just asking myself this question, but I am broke as fuck and my daughter's surgery is in 6 days, so honestly, I don't know if I'll be able to buy her something :/

You know what? I hate this obligation to buy everyone xmas gifts. To my daughters and my wife, that's OK, but i am not buying anything anymore to my parents, sister and other not so close relatives probably ever.

Fuck, man! I've been keeping a close eye on the fund raising for your daughter but I haven't checked recently until now. $4000 is an amazing donation from this forum and I'm taking its all going ahead? If so, I wish you all the best and my thoughts are with you and your family. I'd have made a donation myself but being a college student, funds are pretty tight.

I'm sure your wife will probably understand its a tough time financially and emotionally right now.

I know it sounds kinda cliche but its the thought that counts and all the little things. Last year my girlfriend put together a photo album of us over the last year and that meant so much more to me than her going out and buying me something. Also, she knows I love penguins :)lol:) so she bought me lots of little penguin related things like chocolates and stuff which was cool.

I'm with you on the buying for extended family thing. Every single fucking year, I go out and put thought into the gifts I get them, even if its small, and all they get me is a tray of chocolate and socks... i hate chocolate. But then again, I appreciate the effort/thought (even though its not much!)
My wife and I haven't exchanged presents in years - we'd rather spend the money on our 3 kids. I would love to get her a new car though.

Jangoux - Good luck with the operation! Here's hoping for a quick and uncomplicated recovery for your daughter.
You know what? I hate this obligation to buy everyone xmas gifts. To my daughters and my wife, that's OK, but i am not buying anything anymore to my parents, sister and other not so close relatives probably ever.

Aye, I agree. Christmas is fundamentally about the rising of the Sun, or more traditionally: Jesus' Birthday.
I dislike how it's become twisted to be about BUY BUY BUY, BE A GOOD LITTLE CONSUMERIST.
My family was like "WELL WHAT DO YOU WANT FOR CHRISTMAS?" and I had to just tell them a few CD's to shut them up. I care not whether I give or recieve presents at Christmas, I care about the peace and love and harmony and solidarity of my family and my friends, because to me that's what it's all about.

Mainly just bought people CD's and DVD's this year though.
I bought her 2 pretty cheap but funny earrings she liked and we went to Berlin
3 years ago and she saw a t-shirt she really liked, but it was at 3 o'clock in the
morning and we didn't find the shop the next day.
Now I finished an artwork that looks almost the same and gonna print it on a
shirt because we couldn't find that shirt anywhere.
she made me a list.

iPad is on the top. It's expensive. and she already had the iPhone. I better be getting blowjobs on command for EVER if I get her this damn thing.