whatcha think of this guitar tone?


Apr 14, 2005
everrot, WA
well, my podxt died. i liked that thing. but it always sounded really thin and lacking mids without heavy eq after. so i got some new gear. and i recorded this thing. ignore the leads, after i got done recording the rhythm tracks i got a little hammered and recorded some drunken leads, rofl. see if you can guess what it is! lol

it could be thicker yeah, but this is with no after processing. and i don't have a bass to lay down some bass tracks with. but this is the best tone i've ever got on a recording! rofl. the guitar is my Schecter Hellraiser 7 string tuned to Ab, with the stock EMG 707 pups in it. and yeah, its a Pod X3 live. sounds really close to an ENGL amp me thinks. i gotta eq the drums some more, they are too bright. especially the cymbals. but my laptop is being a whore, and its about that time to reinstall winshit XP again. argh.
Could do with a little pushing around around 100Hz mark to my ears. Or perhaps its just the lack of bass guitar thats giving an impression of "something missing". The 'sound' is good though. Nice tone.

Playing is good too. Tight. :kickass:

The lead sound is not really to my liking... But I'm a bit particular, being a child of the 80's and all. If ait dont sound like something off a Shrapnel record, it's poo. :D Each to their own though. Again the playing was appropriate for the riffiage.

What patch on the X3 live did you base this on?

What about in the box processing/ EQ? Is this sound right out of the POD? No external tweaks?