What's a fair price for a used XXX (in the US)?

About Tree Fiddy. :lol: Guess it depends on condition and what not. Are you selling one or negotiating with someone?
I've got one but it's always just been a back up for my band etc. It just sits here 99% of the time so I'm trying to decide whether it's worth more here or gone.
When they were in production, they retailed for damn near 1100 USD$, now they're down to 350? The fuck?

I remember buying mine (while in production) for 600, even then I thought I got a FUCK of a deal. Great amp.
I think it's a great amp too. Guitar isn't my primary though and I generally have access to another XXX and a 5150 II for reamping so I'd rather put the money elsewhere or into a different amp flavor.